「たまたま皆んなの予定が重なった」は英語で「Everyone's plans lined up by coincidence.」と言います。「line up」は普段「並ぶ」の意味ですが、「合わせる」という意味もあります。「たまたま」の「偶然」な意味は「by coincidence」と言います。
Joe's also here? It looks like everyone's plans lined up by coincidence.
Everyone just happened to be there at the same time.
Everyone showed up at the same time and same place just by chance.
ーEveryone just happened to be there at the same time.
happen to で「たまたま…する」
ーEveryone showed up at the same time and same place just by chance.
show up で「現れる・やって来る」
by chance で「偶然・たまたま」