Do you mind me asking what you are doing in Japan, especially now that the Coronavirus is spreading here?
Could I ask you why you are in Japan even though the Coronavirus seems to be all over the place?
ーDo you mind me asking what you are doing in Japan, especially now that the Coronavirus is spreading here?
Do you mind me asking ...? で「…を伺っても良いですか?」
especially now that the Coronavirus is spreading 「特にコロナウイルスが蔓延しているこの時期」というニュアンスです。
ーExcuse me. Could I ask you why you are in Japan even though the Coronavirus seems to be all over the place?
all over the place で「あちこち・そこら中」
Are you worried about the coronavirus outbreak here?
Why have you come to Japan when there's a coronavirus outbreak?
「コロナウィルスが発生しているこの時期に何故日本に来たの?」は英語で「Are you worried about the coronavirus outbreak here?」と言います。質問を変えました(コロナウイルスに心配していないの?)が「Why have you come to Japan when there's a coronavirus outbreak?」がちょっとストレートすぎて「馬鹿じゃないの?」というニュアンスが入っているから気を付けて使ってください。
Are you worried about the coronavirus outbreak here? I'm worried but I'm being very careful.