It's easy to look like you know how to play soccer, but tennis is tough.
「サッカーは適当にやればそれっぽくなるけど、テニスはムズイ」は英語に訳してないんですが、そういう雰囲気で言うと「It's easy to look like you know how to play soccer, but tennis is tough.」になると思いますね。
「適当」は「Unserious」とか「Vaguely」ですね。後とってもカジュアルな言い方で「Half-assed」も使えます。それを使いたいのなら「You can play soccer kind of half-assed and still look like you know what you are doing」
「But you can't just pick up a racket and automatically be able to hit a tennis ball. It takes a lot of time and practice.」