Consumers think it's too much effort to charge the apple watch
Consumers tend to think that charging the apple watch is too much work
アップルウォッチは充電するのが面倒だと思われている と言いたい場合は
「Consumers think it's too much effort to charge the apple watch」
「Consumers tend to think that charging the apple watch is too much work」
アップルウォッチは日本ではあまり、普及していない。その理由の一つに値段の高さもそうだが毎日の充電の抵抗から購入しない と言いたい場合は
「Apple watches are not very popular in Japan.One of the main reason is the high price, but many think it's too much effort to charge the device every day.」
DMM英会話なんてuKnow? へお問い合わせ頂きありがとうございます。