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天気が悪いので部屋の中に洗濯物を干す事。 たまにイヤなにおいになってしまったりします。
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2016/06/19 19:33
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  • hang up the wash in/inside the room

洗濯物を干す は hang up the wash (この場合のwash は名詞で、一回分の洗濯物 を指します) 部屋干しですので、 室内に は in/inside the room です。 「変な匂いがついてしまうことがあるので、室内干ししなければならないのは嫌だ。」でしたら、 I don't like hanging up the wash inside the room since they sometimes emit an odor. emit (放つ)これはgive out でもOKです odor (匂い)
  • Drying indoors

  • Airing

If washing is very wet and you have to hang it inside, it is called drying indoors If the washing is only slightly damp and you hang it up inside to make it completely dry, it is called airing. E.g. I am going to bring the washing indoors to air it.
もし洗濯物がすごく濡れていて部屋干しするのなら、それをdrying indoorsと言います。 もし洗濯物がちょっとしめっていて中で完全に乾かすのであれば、airingという表現があります。 E.g. I am going to bring the washing indoors to air it. 例文翻訳割愛
Sue T DMM英会話講師
  • hang the laundry inside

if clothes do not dry properly they smell damp.
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • ① Hang clothes up to dry inside / indoors

  • ② They smell damp.

①=「衣類を家の中で干す」insideでもindoorsでもいいです。 hang up=「(衣類を)つるす」 dry=「干す」 ②=「(衣類が)湿った匂いがする」 damp=「湿り気のある」「湿った」(形容詞) smell+(形容詞)=「〜のような匂いがする」衣類自体から匂いがするという表現です。 こんな表現は、どうでしょうか? "Duriing the rainy months it takes longer to dry clothes inside. They are left to dry in living areas. So they smell damp." 「梅雨の時期は、家の中で衣類を干すのに時間が長くかかります。衣類は、居住スペースに干すためにそのまま置かれます。そのために、衣類は湿った匂いがします。」 ここまでで、お役に立てば幸いです。 感謝
Nishijo Tomoyuki 「Global 10の英語教室」代表
  • Drying laundry indoors

  • Hanging laundry on the clothes horse

  • Putting laundry on the radiator

Clothes horse = A clothes airier, sometimes called a clothes rack, drying horse, clothes maiden, drying rack, drying stand, Frostick, airer, or (Scots) winterdyke, is a frame upon which clothes are hung after washing, indoors or outdoors, to dry by evaporation. The frame is usually made of wood, metal or plastic. "Why are your clothes hanging on top of the door." "Our clothes horse is broken." "Well, you could have put them on the radiators and they'd dry quickly." "Unfortunately the radiators don't work." "Oh."
Clothes horse = clothes airier, clothes rack, drying horse, clothes maiden, drying rack, drying standとも呼ばれ、洗濯物を干すラックをのことを言います。フレームは木、金属、またはプラスティックで作られています。 "Why are your clothes hanging on top of the door." なんで君の服はドアの一番上にかけられているんだい? "Our clothes horse is broken." 洗濯物ラックが壊れちゃったの。 "Well, you could have put them on the radiators and they'd dry quickly." 暖房機の近くにおいたらすぐ乾くよ。 "Unfortunately the radiators don't work." あいにくさま、それも壊れてるの。 "Oh." あれま。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am hanging my laundry indoors because its wet outdoors

  • She is drying her laundry indoors because its raining outdoors

If you have dirty laundry, you can not avoid washing it even if it's wet outside. You still have to wash it. The only problem is that you won't be able to hang it outdoors because the laundry won't dry up due to the rain. So, the only alternative is to hang the laundry indoors i.e., inside the house, ideally in the laundry room. So, you may say: I am hanging my laundry indoors because its wet outdoors. or She is drying her laundry indoors because its raining outdoors
汚れた洗濯物があれば、雨が降っていたとしても洗わないといけません。問題は、雨で洗濯物を外に干せないことです。室内(洗濯室が理想)に干すしかありません。 I am hanging my laundry indoors because it's wet outdoors. 〔訳〕外が雨なので、室内に洗濯物を干しています。 She is drying her laundry indoors because it's raining outdoors 〔訳〕外は雨なので、室内で洗濯物を乾かしています。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Dry room

  • Drying washing inside

  • Drying clothes indoors

 It was raining so I dried the laundry indoors. In bad weather, I dry my washing inside the house on the radiators. You can dry washing indoors on a clothes airer.
It was raining so I dried the laundry indoors. 雨が降っていたので、室内に洗濯物を干した。 In bad weather, I dry my washing inside the house on the radiators. 天気が悪いと、室内のラジエーターの上に洗濯物を干します。 You can dry washing indoors on a clothes airer. 室内で物干しに洗濯物を干してもいいです。
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Hang drying the laundry inside.

  • Hanging the laundry inside.

  • Drying the laundry inside.

We can use both of the words with, "hang drying," as this completely describes that we can drying the clothes simply by hanging them. However its not as necessary to use both words as we can describe simply, "hanging the laundry," or, "drying the laundry," and people will still understand what we are referring to within context.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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