I'd like to get a job which requires English skills here in Japan.
My goal is to find a job that I can utilize my English skills in/within the country.
I hope to find a local job on which I can use English in the future.
"I'd like to get a job which requires English skills here in Japan"と若干フォーマルな表現で、直訳すると「私は日本で英語スキルを必要とする職につきたい」となります。「requires English skills」は「英語スキルが求められる」という意味で、明確に英語を活用する職業を指すことができます。
次に、「My goal is to find a job that I can utilize my English skills in/within the country」という表現は、より具体的に「私の目標は、国内で英語スキルを活用できる仕事を見つけること」と意志を強調しています。「utilize my English skills」は「私の英語能力を使う」という意味で、自身が持つ能力を仕事で活用できるという希望を強く表現しています。
そして、 "I hope to find a local job on which I can use English in the future"という表現は、「将来的に地元で英語を使う仕事を見つけることを望んでいます」という希望を表すもので、自分のキャリアに対する将来像を強調します。「local job」という言葉は日本国内のどこでも良い、という幅広い選択肢を意味し、国際都市東京だけでなく地元や地方都市といったオプションも含みます。
I would like to work abroad using English, especially in Japan.
I’m looking to work in Japan where I can use my English skills.
I would like to work abroad using English, especially in Japan.
Work abroad – working in another country other than your own.
I would like – is a polite sentence starter which is best to use if in a formal situation.
I’m looking to work in Japan where I can use my English skills.
Clearly stating where you’d like to work and what type of occupation.
I’m looking – you are in search of a job in Japan.
I would like to work abroad using English, especially in Japan.
Work abroad
I would like
– 自分の希望を表現する時フォーマルな状況で使用するのに最適な丁寧な文頭です。
I’m looking to work in Japan where I can use my English skills.
I’m looking
– 私は日本での仕事を探しています。
I'd like to use my English skills in Japan.
A) I would like to find a job in Japan where it requires me to use my English skills daily.
B) I want to find a Job in Japan that uses English as their first Language.
A) I would like to find a job in Japan where it requires me to use my English skills daily.
*Find-discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
Example-"Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her"
*Job-a paid position of regular employment.
Example-"the scheme could create 200 jobs"
*Requires-need for a particular purpose.
Example-"three patients required operations"
*Skills -the ability to do something well; expertise.
Example-"difficult work, taking great skill"
*Daily -done, produced, or occurring every day or every weekday.
Example-"a daily newspaper"
B) I want to find a Job in Japan that uses English as their first Language.
*Want-have a desire to possess or do (something); wish for.
Example-"I want an apple"
*Their-belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
Example-"parents keen to help their children"
*First language-a person's native language.
Example-"she speaks English as her first language"
I hope this helps :-)
A) I would like to find a job in Japan where it requires me to use my English skills daily.
"Lindsey looked up to find Niall watching her"
"the scheme could create 200 jobs"
"three patients required operations"
*Skills -何かをする能力、スキル。
"difficult work, taking great skill"
*Daily -毎日(起こる、発生する、生産される)
"a daily newspaper"
B) I want to find a Job in Japan that uses English as their first Language.
"I want an apple"
"parents keen to help their children"
*First language-母国語
"she speaks English as her first language"
I hope i get a job that requires a person who's English proficient in Japan.
*I hope i get a job that requires a person who's English proficient in Japan. - Proficient means to be skillful.
Example Sentences:
She's proficient in two langues English and French.
This job requires a person whose proficient in computers.
*I hope i get a job that requires a person who's English proficient in Japan. という例文について
She's proficient in two langues English and French.
This job requires a person whose proficient in computers.
I am looking for a job in Japan, where I can utilise my excellent English skills.
Utilize: to make use of, put to use, employ, avail oneself of, have recourse to, to bring into service, take advantage of, exploit ;-D
'I am looking for a job in Japan, where I can utilise my excellent English skills'
"Utilize"(利用する、活用する、役立つ)という様な意味になります ;-D
'I am looking for a job in Japan, where I can utilise my excellent English skills'
My objective/goal is to work for a Japanese company in which I can put my English skills to use.
I aspire to find a job in which I could implement my English skills.
My ambition is to find a job in which I can make use of my English skills.
My objective/goal-One can make use of either of this nouns. They are both synonyms and suggests the object of one's ambition.
put to use-A common phrase that describes the employment or use of something in a very beneficial or productive way.
aspire-A verb ones again describing one's hopes and dreams in a positive way.
implement t-A verb that once again describes putting one's plans into effect.
My objective/goal (私の目的/目標/ゴール)
put to use(利用する、用いる)
We can say that we want a job that, "uses English," or a job, "where I can use English," to have the same meaning. In addition we can also talk about a job, "that does business in English," to refer to most affairs are done in this language.