世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/06/23 18:40
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  • Could you tell me various expressions using this word?

  • Please show me a variety of phrases using this word.

教えてください は tell me~ あるいは 「示して下さい (書いてみて教えてください」という感じで show me~ といいます。 色々な は various あるいは a variety of ~ または、ご存知の a lot of や many でもOKです。 表現は expressions あるいは 「言い回し」という感じのphrasesを使います。 Could you~?と丁寧にお願いしても良いですし、 Please~ を使ってもよいと思います。 どちらでも言いやすい表現を覚えて使ってみて下さい!
  • Could you give me some example expressions with that word please?

  • Could you put that word in a few example phrases please?

  • Could you show me how to use that word in some imaginary situations?

These requests seem very reasonable and I am sure your teacher will be delighted to do that for you. Could you .....? = a polite introduction to a request for that person to do something. "Could you pass the salt please?" "Could you pick me up from the hospital at 5.30 please?
こういったお願いはもっともですよね、先生もきっと喜んで教えてくれるでしょう。 Could you?はお願いをするときの丁寧な表現です。 例:"Could you pass the salt please?"  塩とってくれませんか? "Could you pick me up from the hospital at 5.30 please? 5時半に病院でピックアップしてもらえますか?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How else can I use this word?

  • Can you give me some other examples of how I can use this word please?

  • Will you give me some examples sentences using this word please.?

Your teacher will gladly give you 2 or 3 examples especially if the word has more than one meaning - which a lot of English words do. Always remember to say please - you are asking someone to show you something so it is good to remember your manners :) Hope these help Jane :)
特にその単語がたくさんの意味があれば先生なら2,3の例文をすぐに教えてくれるでしょう。何かをお願いするわけですからpleaseをつけるのを忘れないようにしましょう。 参考になれば Jane :)
Jane G DMM英会話講師
  • Could you use this word in a sentence for me?

  • How would you use this word in a sentence?

These are simple sentences and simple ways of asking this type of question. Eg: You could say: "I don't really understand this word. Could you use it in a sentence for me?" Eg: "I don't really understand this word. How would you use this word in a sentence?" I hope this helps :)
これらはこのような質問をする時の簡単な文章や方法です。例:"I don't really understand this word. Could you use it in a sentence for me?”(この言葉があまりよく理解できません。例文の中で使っていただくことはできますか?”) 例: "I don't really understand this word. How would you use this word in a sentence?”(私はこの言葉があまりよく理解できません。この言葉をどのようにして文章の中で使いますか?) ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
Mandy DMM英会話講師
  • Please provide me with examples in which you use that word.

  • Please use that word in different expressions.

  • How else can I use this word?

All of these answers are suitable for conveying your request. ______________________________________________ Example A: The word is 'stalemate' B: Please use that word in different expressions.
All of these answers are suitable for conveying your request. 上記例文すべて、あなたの要望を伝えるのに適切な表現です。 ______________________________________________ Example A: The word is 'stalemate' B: Please use that word in different expressions. ≪例文≫ A. Stalemateと(手詰まり)いう単語です。 B. その単語を違う言い回しで使って下さい。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • How do I use that word in a sentence?

  • Can you give me some examples on how to use that word?

  • Are there any alternative ways to use this word kn conversation/writing?

"How do I use that word in a sentence?" You are asking to be shown how to use this word.Your teacher will most likely respond by giving you at least one sentence/expression. "Can you give me some examples on how to use that word?:" Here you are asking for more than one example to give you an understanding of how to build your own sentences with it. "Are there any alternative ways to use this word in conversation/writing?" alternative = other;different varieties You teacher will show you common expressions to be used in conversation or how to use the new word in written correspondence.
①「その単語は、どのように文章で使うのですか?」 この単語の使い方を教えてくれるようにリクエストしている。あなたの先生は、最低でも一つの文章例または表現方法を教えてくれるでしょう。 ②「その単語の使用例をいくつか教えてもらえませんか?」 その単語を使って、自分で文章作成ができるように理解するため、一つ以上の使用例を教えてもらう。 ③「その他に、この単語を会話やライティングで使いますか?」 Alternative=他の、別の、代わりの。 会話で使う一般的な表現、また、新しい単語をどうライティングで使うか教えてくれるでしょう。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • Please help me with some example sentences to better understand this word?

  • What expressions have this word?

  • Can you help me with some phrases that contain this word?

If we want to better understand a word we should look at how it is used in sentences like phrases, expressions, idioms, etc For example, the word butter can be used in a sentence and an expression. "Don't try to butter me up, the answer will still be NO!" -Don't try to soften me up. "This job is my bread and butter." -The job puts food on my table. "Please butter my sandwich on both sides." -The butter we eat on bread and use when cooking or baking.
単語をより良く理解したいなら、それが文の中で、あるいはフレーズやイディオムとして、どのように使われるのか見ると分かりやすいです。 例えば、"butter" は単語としても表現の一部としても使われます。 "Don't try to butter me up, the answer will still be NO!"(ゴマをすっても無駄。答えはノー。変わらない) ※ Don't try to butter me up = ご機嫌を取っても無駄 "This job is my bread and butter."(この仕事で私は生計を立てています) "Please butter my sandwich on both sides."(サンドイッチの両面にバターを塗ってください) ※ パンに塗ったり料理に使うバターのこと。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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