There's no flower that's more beautiful than the rest.
It's impossible to say which (flower) is more beautiful.
I can't say which (flower) is more ideal.
「どちらの方が」はwhich is moreになります。その後に形容詞をどれでも使えます。しかし、大きい(big)などの形容詞ならwhich is more bigじゃなくてwhich is biggerと言います。
例:These puppies look strong, but which is stronger? これらの子犬が強そうだけどどちらの方が強い?
It's impossible to say which flower is more beautiful. 「はどちらの方が優れてると言えない」みたいな意味です。
他の言い方はThere's no flower that's more beautiful than the rest.です。これの方が「どちらの方が優れてるということはない」と似てます。
It doesn’t (necessarily) mean that one is better than the other.
One is not particularly better than the other
「どちらの方が優れているということはない」は英語で It doesn’t (necessarily) mean that one is better than the other もしくは One is not particularly better than the otherになると思います。
日向を好む花もあれば、日陰を好む花もあります。どちらの方が優れているとかどちらの方が理想的とか、ありません – There are flowers that love being in the sun and there are flowers that love being in the shade, but one is not better or more ideal than the other もしくは There are flowers that love sunlight and flowers that don’t, but one isn’t necessarily better or more ideal than the other .