Can I ask about something that’s not in the textbook?
Can I ask something not related to the textbook?
Can I~? ~してもいいですか
ちなみに、Could I ~?ですと、やや丁寧な言い方です
not in ~ ~に載ってない、ない
textbook 教科書、テキストブック
related to~ ~に関係した、〜に関して
Can I ask a question which doesn't have anything to do with the textbook
Can I ask a question which is irrelevant to the textbook
教科書とは関係ない質問 は a question which doesn't have anything to
do with the textbook とも表現できます。
後者の a question which is irrelevant to the textbook と言うのも有です。
質問してもいいですかと聞く場合は can I ask a question と言う表現を