Our development team is currently investigating this. Would it be possible for you to wait for a while?
It is being investigated by our development team. Could you please wait for a while?
Our development team is currently investigating this. Would it be possible for you to wait for a while?
Would it be possible for you to wait は、『お待ちいただけますか』という丁寧な表現です。そこにfor a whileとすることで『今しばらく』とどのくらいの間なのか時間的なことを相手に伝えられますね。これが『1日か2日』であれば、for a day or two、もう少し例えば3,4日くらいなら、for a couple of days とがfor a few daysなどでもよいでしょう。
It is being investigated by our development team. Could you please wait for a while?
Being investigatedとして『開発チームによって調査されている』という言い方もできると思います。また、ここでは、『いただけますか?』にCould you pleaseを使用しています。
2つの例文でfor a whileとして具体的に何日かは伝えていませんが、もしおよそどのくらいか分かれば上記で説明したように、for a day or two, for a couple of days, または一週間もしくはそれよりももう少しであればfor a week or soとしてもいいと思います。
The development team is currently investigating and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
The development team is currently looking into the issue and we will get back to you as soon as we have an update.
「現在開発チームが調査中なので少しお待ち頂けますか」は英語で言うならThe development team is currently investigating and we will get back to you as quickly as possibleもしくは The development team is currently looking into the issue and we will get back to you as soon as we have an updateになると思います。
少しお待ち頂けますか - Could you bear with me a moment please ? もしくは Could you wait for a few minutes please?
A moment = a few minutes なので、上記の文章では使えません。