Masks made of cloth can let the corona virus right through it!
"masks made of cloth"=「布から出来たマスクは」
"can let the corona virus"=「コロナウィルスを~させられる」
"right through it!"=「通せる!」
"Masks made of cloth are different from the non-woven fabric kind, because they are rough-textured, and if you laugh or talk loud enough that you spit, the corona virus will go right through the mask!"
The coronavirus can pass through a cloth mask. として
If you laugh out loud to the point of spitting or talk loudly, there is a chance that the coronavirus can pass through a cloth mask because it is loose weave unlike a non-woven fabric mask. と言えますね!
laugh out loud 声に出して笑う、大笑いする
talk loudly 大声で話す
Cloth masks are less effective against the coronavirus!
"Cloth masks are less effective against the coronavirus!"
"less effective"は、「(他のものより)効果的ではない」という意味です。
"Cloth masks are less effective than ones made of a non-woven material."
"You should wear masks made of a non-woven material."