(The crow) is super aggressive and likely to attack, so don’t get too close.
(カラスが)超攻撃的で襲ってくる可能性が高いから近づかないで ー (The crow) is super aggressive and likely to attack, so don’t get too close.
(カラスが) ー The crow is / crows are
超攻撃的で ー super aggressive / very aggressive / highly aggressive
襲ってくる可能性が高い ー and likely to attack / and they can attack
から ー so / because
近づかないで ー don’t get too close / don’t approach them
Don't get too close to the crow's nest because they can attack you.
Crows will turn on you and become very aggressive if you get too close to their nest.
ーDon't get too close to the crow's nest because they can attack you.
get close to ... で「…に近づく」
crow で「カラス」
crow's nest で「カラスの巣」
attack で「攻撃する・襲う」
ーCrows will turn on you and become very aggressive if you get too close to their nest.
turn on ... で「…に急に襲いかかる」
become aggressive 「攻撃的になる」