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学校で留学生の友達にここテスト出るよ!って教えてあげたかったんですがちゃんと言えませんでした…。Test! Test! って何度か言ってたら伝わったっぽいです(笑)
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2015/11/27 16:01
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  • This is going to be on the test!

「この内容はテストに出ますよ」という意味の表現です。「be on the test」が「テストに出る」という意味になります。また、文法的に「going to」が未来の予定や確定的な計画を表すときに使いますが、これを「will」に変えても同じ意味になります。また、「might be」を使うと「テストに出る可能性がある」という、未定な状態を表せますね。 例えば、 "This might be on the test." 「これはテストに出るかもしれません」 という表現が可能です。 さらに異なる表現としては、 "This will probably come up in the test." 「これはおそらくテストに出ます。」 このような風にも言い換えることができます。 また、テストについて尋ねるときは、 "Will this be on the test?!" 「これってテストに出ますか?」 私が学生の頃はよく先生に、 "Will this be on the test?!!" 「ここテストに出ますか?!」 と聞いたものです。。
  • This will be on your test!

「これはテストに出るよ!」は"This will be on your test"と表現できます。 さらに、 "Make sure you review this part!"「ここはちゃんと復習するんだよ」 と付け足せば生徒の準備もバッチリですね。
Alex Nomura 日英バイリンガル/Spark Dojoトレーナー
  • This will be IN your test

  • Please note, this is quite likely to be IN your test

In the UK - People may be tested ON a subject IN a test. 'On' means the subject that will be included: "You will be tested on early English kings." So the phrase is:- 'to be tested on something.' You would not say, 'This will be ON your test.' Neither would you say, "This will be ABOVE your test." The topics and questions are IN the thest, not ON it. IN a test there are various questions on various topics. IN the test, you are expected to be quiet. IN the test, you have an hour to answer the questions.
UKでは People may be tested ON a subject IN a test. というように、onは科目や問題を含みます。例:"You will be tested on early English kings." この'be tested on something.という形ですね。 'This will be ON your test.' や"This will be ABOVE your test."とは言えません。 IN a test there are various questions on various topics. テスト内には、色んなトピックの中に様々な問題があります IN the test, you are expected to be quiet. テスト中は、静かにしてください。 IN the test, you have an hour to answer the questions. 。テストは一時間です。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • We are going to be tested on this.

【テストされる】と考えるとこの文は理解しやすいですね。 【on this】の【on】は【関して】の意味ですね。 ➡【ここに関してテストされちゃうよ】って感じですね。
Shinichiro Kumada 英会話スクール運営
  • This part will be on the test

  • The teacher will definitely put this on the test

This part will be on the test =ここテストに出るよ The teacher will definitely put this on the test =これ絶対先生テストに載せるよ 確かではないけど「きっとこれ出るだろう」と確信している時にはこう言う表現も出来ます。
  • This is going to be in the test!

  • We/you will be tested on this part

  • This will definitely be included in the test

"Included" explains that the text you are referring to will definitely be contained in the upcoming test.
"Included" (含まれている)という言葉は、教科書の該当部分が次のテストに必ず「出る」というときに使えます。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • This part will definitely be on the test.

  • This section of the test will always be in the exam.

  • This part is always in the test

*This part will definitely be on the test.* *This section of the test will always be in the exam.* *This part is always in the test* You can also say: *You can expect this part to be on the test *This section is always included in the test *They always include this part in the exam *Be prepared for this topic as it always comes up in the test. Hope this helps!! ^ ^
*This part will definitely be on the test.* ここは絶対テストにでるよ。 *This section of the test will always be in the exam.* この部分がいつもテストにでるよ。 *This part is always in the test* この部分がいつもテストにでるよ。 以下のように言うこともできます。 *You can expect this part to be on the test この部分、テストに出ると思うよ。 *This section is always included in the test この部分はいつもテストに出るよ。 *They always include this part in the exam 先生はいつもこの部分をテストに出すよ。  *Be prepared for this topic as it always comes up in the test. このトピックはいつもテストに出るから準備しておいた方がいいよ。
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • This will be on the test.

When you want to explain to a student that something will be on the test, then you can say this sentence. For example. Why am I learning this? I will never use it. Actually, this will be on the test. I better learn it then. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • We will be tested on this section

  • This section will feature in the exam.

  • Make sure to acquaint yourself with this section as it will be in the exam.

If you would like to explain that a certain section of the textbook or study guide will appear in the exam, you use the sentences above. Sometimes we receive a scope from our lecturer which included all the work we should focus on because it will be included in the exam. Acquaint: to get to know, to gain knowledge on something Scope: a written list of what work will be in a test or exam. "We have to learn chapter five because it will make up 70% of the exam." "Try to focus on this section because it will definitely be in the paper." "Section five won't be in the exam but section four will so make sure to learn it."
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • You will find this on your test

  • Practice this, because it will be on your test

  • Make sure you remember this, it'll be on your test.

There are many ways to refer to something that WILL happen in the future. I will leave some more expressions for your sentence below -this will be on your test -you will find this on your test -practice this/remember this, because it will be on your test. -this part is going to be on the test -you will be tested about this, so remember it. -the test with question you about this. I hope this helps. Have a nice day Teacher Lewis
Lewis M English teacher
  • This particular chapter/part will be on the upcoming test.

  • This part of the subject will be tested on your next examination.

If you would like to explain to someone that a certain part will be tested, you can say "This particular chapter/part will be on the upcoming test." or "This part of the subject will be tested on your next examination." These are some good ways to easily explain this to someone.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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