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仕事が忙しく友人から届いたメッセージへの返信がよく遅れます。 "Sorry for the late reply again. " これでは少し不自然な気がします。。 もっと自然な言い回しや、よく使われる定番のsentenceなどがありましたら、教えて下さい(>_<)
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2016/07/01 09:03
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  • Sorry for the late reply again.

  • Sorry for always replying late.

Shotaさんの文でも大丈夫です。 Sorry for always replying late.は、 「いつも返事が遅くてゴメンね。」です。
Akiko Shibahara フリーランス通訳翻訳
  • Sorry for the late reply again

  • Sorry for the late response again

  • I'm sorry my reply is late again.

Hey Shota! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! まずは、「ごめんなさい」の部分です。 「ごめんなさい」は「ごめん」より丁寧な言い方なので、 「I'm sorry」または「I apologize」と言います。「I apologize」の方は丁寧です。 もし「ごめん」または「ごめんね」というと、 Sorryだけでいいです。 〜てごめん(なさい) 〜して+ごめん(なさい)というとき、英語でSorry for 〜またはSorry that 〜になります。 I'm sorry for being late. I'm sorry that I was late. I'm sorry for making a mistake. I'm sorry that I made a mistake. ポイント: 「for + 名詞(またはing動詞)」 「that + 文章」 forの方が言いやすいと思うのでおすすめします。 この場合は I'm sorry for the worries. I apologize for the concern 返信を英語で言うとresponse・replyになるのですが、誰の返信かを明確にすればいいと思います。なので my response・replyがふさわしいです。 あと、英語で書くとき、 My reply was lateの直訳ではなく、My late replyの方を書きます。 よろしくお願いします! 応援しています! あーS−あより
  • Sorry for getting back to you so late!

"Sorry for getting back to you so late" is a casual way of replying to someone's message after time has passed.
"Sorry for getting back to you so late"相手に返信までの時間がかかってしまったときのカジュアルな謝罪文として使われます。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Sorry for the late reply again, I was busy as usual.

  • Sorry for the late reply again, I was busy as a bee.

1. Sorry for the late reply again, I was busy as usual. You can say "sorry' to express your regret that you are replying late again. The expression "busy as usual"means that it is normal for you to be busy. 2. Sorry for the late reply again, I was busy as a bee. The expression "busy as a bee" means energetic and hardworking.
1. Sorry for the late reply again, I was busy as usual. (返信がまた遅くなってごめんなさい。相変わらず忙しいです) "sorry'と言う事によって、返信することがまた遅くなって申し訳ない気持ちを表すことが出来ます。 この "busy as usual"とはいつも忙しいという意味になります。 2. Sorry for the late reply again, I was busy as a bee. (返信がまた遅くなってごめんなさい。とても忙しかったです) この"busy as a bee"と言う表現は働き者のハチのように目が回るほど忙しい、と言う意味です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Apologies for getting back to you so late.

apologies = this means I am sorry getting back to you = responding to your message
apologiesはごめんなさいという意味です。 getting back to youはあなたのメッセージに返信する、という意味です。
Adel A DMM英会話講師
  • !. I apologise for my tardy response.

  • 2. Oops, late replying again. Sorry!

  • 3. You must be tired of my slow replies by now!

1. This is quite a formal response. tardy = Late 2. This is an informal response. 3. This is a humorous response acknowledging that you have been late previously.
1. かなりフォーマルな返しです。 tardyはlateと同義です。 2. ちょっとカジュアルな言い方になります。 3. これは遅刻の前科のあるときに使えるユーモアのある返しのひとつです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please forgive me for replying late

  • I'm sorry I just saw your message

  • I'm sorry I've been busy so I just saw your message

If the person that sent you a text is your boss or someone you respect then it would be better to apologize first for replying to the message late. It's common for people to not respond immediately after receiving the text but you don't want to completely ignore them either. It would be respectful to send them a message telling them why you are replying late. If the person you're texting is your friend then you can still apologize but you can say it in a funny or casual way, for example " I'm sorry again for replying late, but you know me, I can't help it"
メールが上司や尊敬する人からなら、まず返信が遅れたことを謝った方がいいでしょう。メールを受信してすぐに返さないことはよくありますが、完全無視もしたくありませんね。遅れた理由を伝えるメッセージを送るのが礼儀だと思います。 相手が友達なら、面白くカジュアルに謝ってもいいです: "I'm sorry again for replying late, but you know me, I can't help it" 「返信また遅れてごめん。私のことよく知ってるでしょ、どうしようもないの」
Aba DMM英会話講師
  • Please excuse my TARDY response...I have been so busy recently, my emails are running behind!

  • Sorry for the slight delay in replying. (Better late than never;-)

Things can pile up when we are busy...and before we know it we are... "playing catch up " (idiom Sometimes there are... "just not enough hours in the day" (idiom) so inevitably response times will suffer...A quick apology should do the trick and repair any damage done..."Sorry for the delayed respnonse (again!) I am up to my eyesin work! (idiom)
忙しい時、やることがどんどんたまってしまうことありますね...気付いたら仕事が遅れてしまっています 時に、1日24時間では足りません そうなると当然、返信する回数は減ります...簡単な謝罪で大丈夫です、ダメージも残らないでしょう... "Sorry for the delayed respnonse (again!) I am up to my eyes in work! (idiom)" 「返信(また)遅れてごめん!仕事が本当に忙しくて!」
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Hi there, I am so sorry for the late reply as i was busy...

  • I apologize for the late reply however I was very busy earlier...

If you want to apologize for replying late to someone because you were busy, you can say something like "Hi there, I am so sorry for the late reply as i was busy earlier..." or "I apologize for the late reply however I have been very busy lately...". These are some good examples of how to start your message if you would like to apologize for replying late to something.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • My apologies for the delay in responding but I'm swamped with work.

  • I'm sorry for my delayed response but I've been struggling to keep up with my emails.

1. My apologies for the delay in responding but I'm swamped with work. Always start off by apologizing to the person first. Telling the person that you are "swamped with work" will automatically make them realise that you were unable to'respond because you were too busy. The verb "swamped" means that you are buried under so much work that you are finding it difficult to get out to doing other things like replying to emails. 2. I'm sorry for my delayed response but I've been struggling to keep up with my emails. A "delayed response" means that you took much longer than is usually necessary to get back to someone. The phrase, "struggling to keep up with my emails" means that you receive so many emails to reply to that it is making it difficult to get back quickly to people.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry for the late reply!

  • Sorry for the late response!

Late reply: replying to a message, email etc, after a long time has passed. Examples: Sorry I have been really busy lately, sorry for not getting back to you earlier! Sorry about the late response, I completely forgot that you emailed me!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
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