世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/13 14:19
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  • No problem, I didn't wait to long.

  • No worries, the wait was not to long.

▪No problem, I didn't wait to long. ▪No worries, the wait was not to long. ●Problem=a matter ●worries=cause to feel anxious Example 1 Friend: Sorry for being late. You:No problem, I didn't wait to long. Example 2 Friend: Sorry for being late. You:No worries, the wait was not to long.
▪No problem, I didn't wait to long. ▪No worries, the wait was not to long. ●Problem=問題 ●worries=不安にさせる 例1 Friend: Sorry for being late. 遅れてごめんなさい You:No problem, I didn't wait to long. 心配しないで、そんなに待ってないから 例2 Friend: Sorry for being late. 遅れてごめんなさい You:No worries, the wait was not to long. 心配しないで、待っている時間は長くなかったから。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry, I only just got here myself.

  • I don't mind, I haven't been here long.

Don't worry and I don't mind means there is no problem, it doesn't bother you. I only just got here myself - you just arrived or have only been there for a short time. I haven't been here long is another way to say you haven't been waiting for very long.
Don't worry や I don't mind は、問題ない、気にしていないという意味です。 I only just got here myself - ちょっと前に着いた、という表現です。 I haven't been here long is 長時間待ってはいない、という別の言い方です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • It's OK, I just arrived

  • Don't worry, I've only been here two minutes myself!

It can be really irritating when someone is late for an appontment - and today, it is you who are late! You arranged to meet your friend at 7pm and it's already 730! When you arrive at the meeting point, there is no sign of your friend. Just as you are about to leave, he turns up and calls youir name: "John, I'm so sorry, I'm late!" You are very relieved: "Don't worry, I've only been here two minutes myself!"
待ち合わせに遅れたら大変迷惑です。今日はあなたが遅れています!友達と七時に待ち合わせていたのに七時半になってしまいました。待ち合わせ場所へ行きましたが友達がいません。帰ろうとしたところで誰かがあなたの名前を呼びます: (英文) "John, I'm so sorry, I'm late!" You are very relieved: "Don't worry, I've only been here two minutes myself!" (訳) 「ジョン、遅れて本当にごめん!」 あなたほっとします。 「心配しないで、私も二分くらい前にここについたの!」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • No worries...

  • He was late and was apologising...I said "No worries... I just got here myself!"

I just got here...mean I arrived" moments ago" or "very recently" . The modern phrase for "please don't worry" is...the more concise: " No worries" Borrowed from the Australians:-)
"I just got here".は、 "moments ago" (ほんの少し前) "very recently"(まさに今) 着きましたという意味です。 現代的なフレーズである、 "please don't worry" は、" No worries"ともっと簡潔に言えます。これはオーストラリア英語からの由来です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • No worries. I didn't wait that long.

  • It is not a train smash. I didn't wait for long.

No worries. I didn't wait that long.- If you tell someone not to worry,it means that you telling that you are not mad. It is not a train smash. I didn't wait for long.- If someone tells you that something is not a train smash it means that they saying it not a serious setback. Therefore you been late is not really a serious matter.
No worries. I didn't wait that long. - not to worryは怒っていないという事を伝えるために使います。 It is not a train smash. I didn't wait for long. -something is not a train smash はそんな深刻なことではないことを表します。つまり遅れたことは深刻ではないという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It's ok, I haven't been waiting long.

  • It's fine, I've only been here for a little while myself.

  • Not to worry, I'm not long here.

There are lots of ways you to reassure someone that you are not angry. Simply saying , "don't worry, ", "it's ok" or "it's fine" will immediately help the person to relax and show that you are not annoyed or angry because they are late. Then, you can also express that you haven't been waiting long either by saying, "I've not been waiting long".
あなたは怒ってないということで、相手を安心させる言い方は沢山あります。 簡単に、don't worry、it's ok、またはit's fineと言えば、相手を安心させることができます。また、遅刻して来たことに、あなたがイライラしてない、または怒ってないことを示しています。 そして、長く待ってないことも表現する場合、I've not been waiting longと言えます。
Claire Gi DMM英会話講師
  • It's not a problem. I haven't been here long.

  • Don't worry about it. I wasn't waiting long.

"Don't worry about it." or "It's not a problem." are common ways to tell someone that it's not a big problem because of something that happened, like having to wait.
"Don't worry about it." 又は "It's not a problem." は、起きたこと(待たされたことなど)が「大したことではない」と伝える一般的な表現です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's okay, I just got here.

  • Don't worry, I have not been here long.

To show that they should not be upset that they were late, you can say, "it's okay", or, "don't worry". If you have just arrived yourself, you can just tell them that by saying that you just got there, or that you haven't been there long.
遅れたことを気にしなくていいよと伝える場合: "It's okay"(大丈夫だよ) 又は "Don't worry".(気にしなくていいよ) と言うことが出来ます。 自分も今着いたばかりなら: I just got here.(今着いたばかりです) I have not been here long.(今着いたばかりだよ) と言えます。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • Don't worry, I only got here a few minutes ago.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「Don't worry, I only got here a few minutes ago.」 =気にしないで。私も数分前に着いたところだよ。 (例文)Sorry I'm late!// Don't worry, I only got here a few minutes ago. (訳)遅れてごめん!気にしないで。私も数分前に着いたところだよ。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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