世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/27 20:53
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  • Wearing the same outfit

AさんとBさんが二人とも同じ格好をしてかぶっている時に、「A and B are wearing the same outfit」と言います。outfitは格好という意味で、より具体的に「dress」や「pants」と言っても大丈夫です。
  • You guys look like twins!

  • You guys match!

You guys = あなたたち *"Guys"とはいえ、男性だけを指してるわけではなく、複数の人たちであれば性別関係なく使います。 もちろん"you"だけでもOKです。 ①You guys look like twins! あなたたち双子みたいだね! 直訳にすると違いますが、同じ洋服を着ている人たちに対しても"twins"は使います。 ②You guys match! あなたたちマッチしてるね(合ってるね!) おそろいのことを"match"ということもあります。服だけでなく髪型や目で見えるものにおいて同じだった場合、よく使います。
  • Hey, have you seen that A and B are wearing the same top today?

  • A and B are matching!

  • A and B look like twins!

"A and B are matching" is not very specific, but indicates they are wearing the same item of clothing but just not which one specifically. Whereas, "Hey, have you seen that A and B are wearing the same top (trousers/shorts/skirt) today?" is much more specific and points out the actual item of clothing that is the same. "A and B look like twins!" - Sometimes parents dress their twins in the same clothes, particularly when they are younger. This expression harks back to this habit by parents to dress their twins in the same clothes.
"A and B are matching" (AとBは合っている)はあまり特定的ではありませんが、彼らが同じ服装をしていると表現でしています。 一方で、次のように言うととても特定的で、身につけているものの何がかぶっているのかを指摘しています。 "Hey, have you seen that A and B are wearing the same top (trousers/shorts/skirt) today?" (ほら、今日AとBは同じ上着(ズボン、短パン、シャツ)を着ているよ。) "A and B look like twins!" (AとBは双子みたいに見えるね。) ときに双子の両親は子供に同じ服を着せます。特に、双子が幼いときは。このフレーズは双子の親が子供に同じ服を着せる習慣を連想させる表現です。
Christabel DMM英会話講師
  • I see that "yuri" and "jackie"are wearing matching outfits.

  • "Toshi"and "Yuri" look very nice with the same outfits.

>I see that "yuri" and "jackie"are wearing matching outfits. *Matching= corresponding in pattern. >"Toshi"and "Yuri" look very nice with the same outfits. This sentence explains that the two people look beautiful with the same outfits.
"I see that ""yuri"" and ""jackie""are wearing matching outfits. Matchingとはパターンが一致することを意味します。 ""Toshi""and ""Yuri"" look very nice with the same outfits. 2人が同じ服装で似合っているということを意味する表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • They're wearing identical clothing!

  • They have the same clothes!

With globalisation and national and international companies dominating the clothing market, it is hardly surprising when you see two people with the same clothes. In that case you could just make a casual comment such as: "Those two have the same clothes," or you may choose to be a little more expressive: "Look at them! They're wearing identical clothing!"
グローバリゼーションで、大きなアパレル企業が席巻していますね。同じ服を着ている人を見てもそこまで驚きませんよね。 そういうときは、ありきたりなコメントですが、こういうことができます。 "Those two have the same clothes," あの二人、同じ服きてるね。ちょっと表現的に言えば、 "Look at them! They're wearing identical clothing!"見て見て!彼らまった同じ服着てるよ!
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • we are matching

  • we have the same clothes

example "hey , i woke up and put this on. Funny how we are matching". or "were clothes twins". or "we decided to match today".
【例文】 "Hey , I woke up and put this on. Funny how we are matching". (あら、起きてこの服を着たら、おかしいわね、私たちおそろいね) "We're clothes twins". (私たち双子みたいにお揃いね) "We decided to match today". (今日はお揃いで決まりね)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • You two look identical!

  • You're like twins!

  • You match!

Match and identical can both be used to describe two things that are the same, or very similar in detail. Usually, identical means two things that are exactly the same, but it can also be used in a less formal and humourous way to describe two things that are just similar but not exactly identical. You can use the word 'twins' in this same way too. "With your new haircuts, you and your friend look like twins!" "You two look identical in your outfits today!" "You match! You're both wearing similar clothes!"
Match と identical はどちらも同じ、またはすごく似通った2つのものを表す際に使います。通常 identical とは全く同じ2つのものを指して使いますが、ちょっとカジュアルな場面ではユーモアの意も込めて、良く似ているけれど全く同じではないものを表して使えます。双子の 'twins' という言葉も同じニュアンスで使えます。 例文: "With your new haircuts, you and your friend look like twins!" (新しい髪形だと、あなたとお友達は双子みたいに似ているね。) "You two look identical in your outfits today!" (あなた達2人は今日の服装だと全く同じに見えるよ。) "You match! You're both wearing similar clothes!" (かぶってますね!あなた達2人はよく似た服を着ていますね。)
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • A(person), did you know that you're wearing the same outfit as B(person)?

  • A(person), you and B(person) are matching today!

  • A(person) and B(person) look identical.

If A and B are wearing the same outfit, they more than likely will be described as looking alike, identical or like twins. In the second sentence, A and B can also be described as matching.
もしAさんと、Bさんが同じ服を着ていたら looking alike, identical または like twinsと表現ですることができます。 二つ目の文では、AさんとBさんはmatching(おそろい)と表現されています。
Lindsay Marie DMM英会話講師
  • A and B are wearing the same clothes.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のように表現できると思いました(*^_^*) A and B are wearing the same clothes. 「AとBは同じ服を着ている」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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