The government is prioritising the economy over the health of the people.
「日本でコロナの患者数が増えている。経済活動と国民の健康を両方考えなければならない」というのは In Japan the amount of people with Coronavirus is increasing. The government needs to think about both economic activity and people's health と表現できます。
例文 The government should not prioritise the economy over the health of the people.
"The government seems to be prioritizing the economy over public health."
"The government appears to value economic progress over the health of its citizens."
「政府が経済を国民の健康よりも優先している」という表現は、英語では"The government seems to be prioritizing the economy over public health." や"The government appears to value economic progress over the health of its citizens."と表現することができます。
The government: 政府
seems to be: のように思われる
prioritizing: 優先している
the economy: 経済
over: ~よりも
public health: 公衆衛生, 国民の健康
appears to: ~のように見える
value: 価値を見出す
economic progress: 経済発展