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2016/07/03 21:39
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  • Doctor, what are the chances that my father's surgery will be successful? I can't help but worry.

  • Doctor, how likely is it that ...

成功率はどれくらいですか = what are the chances that 〜, how likely is it 〜, what is the likelihood 〜
Tim Young 主催
  • Doctor, what is the success rate of my father's surgery? I am really concerned about it.

  • Doctor, what is the possibility that my father's operation will succeed? I am really worried about it.

既に他の先生の回答がありますが、私はその他の言い方をご紹介します。 成功率 は success rate あるいは the possibility that ~will succeed (~が成功する可能性) 手術は surgery や operation ~を心配する は be concerned about~ be worried about~ 最初の例文ははっきりとした成功率を聞いており、どちらかと言うと、専門家が聞くような言い方で、一般の方が言うには2番めの聞き方の方が普通かと思います。 ご参考まで。
  • Hi Doctor, what are the chances for a successful surgery for my father? I feel worried.

  • Doctor, will my fathers surgery be 100% successful? I am very worried.

▪ Hi Doctor, what are the chances for a successful surgery for my father? I feel worried. ▪ Doctor, will my father's surgery be 100'% successful? I am very worried. >"chances" is asking the doctor for a percentage answer, 50'% positive 50'% negative or 80'% positive 20'% negative. >"worried" is showing concern about the surgery. >"100'% successful" means that surgery will be completely successful. You can also ask: -Doctor, what are the disadvantages of the surgery? This is asking what will or can be the downfall after the surgery. Hope this helps.
【例】 ▪ Hi Doctor, what are the chances for a successful surgery for my father? I feel worried. (先生、父の手術の成功率はどのくらいですか?心配です) ▪ Doctor, will my father's surgery be 100'% successful? I am very worried. (先生、父の手術は100%成功しますか?私は心配です) >"chances"とはお医者さんに成功率を尋ねています。 50'%楽観的50'%悲観的又は、80'%楽観的 20'% 悲観的 >"worried"(心配する)とは手術への心配を表しています。 >"100'% successful"(100%成功)とは手術は完全に成功することを意味しています。 また、次のように尋ねることも出来ます。 【例】 -Doctor, what are the disadvantages of the surgery? (先生、手術のデメッリトはなんですか?) これは術後の悪影響などについて質問しています) お役に立てれば幸いです
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Doctor, what are the odds that this surgery will be a success?

  • Is there a high chance of my father making it out alive?

These are informal statements used to find out how the surgery will go. Is it likely to go well and what will the result be afterwards?
これらは、手術がうまく行く可能性についてカジュアルに尋ねています。 手術はうまく行きそうでしょうか、それから手術の結果どうなるのですか。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • What is the success rate?

  • Is the risk high or low?

"What is the success rate?" This is the most common phrase that I've heard when it comes to asking if the chances of success (outcome) are high or low for surgery. "Is the risk high or low?" This is a way to ask and see if there are any things (risks) that can happen during the surgery that will determine if it is successful (a good outcome) or not.
"What is the success rate?"(成功率はどのくらいですか) - これは手術の成功率が高いか低いか確認するときに一番よく聞くフレーズです。 "Is the risk high or low?"(リスクは大きいですか、小さいですか) - これは、手術のリスクが大きいのかどうかを確認する言い方です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Doctor, how likely is it for my father's surgery to be successful, i'm so worried

  • Doctor, I'm so worried my father's surgery wont be a success

When addressing a doctor you simply call them 'dcotor' if something works then it is said to be a success or successful if you are concerned or anxious/nervous then you are said to be worried
医者に話し掛けるときには、シンプルに 'doctor' といいます。 何かがうまく行くことは 'success' や 'successful' で表せます。 心配あるいは不安であることは 'worried' で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Doctor, I'm very worried for my father, whats the likelihood of a successful surgery?

  • What are the chances of a successful surgery for my father? as I am very worries about him

"I'm very worried for my father, whats the likelihood of a successful surgery?" the expression 'likelihood' is used frequently when phrasing a sentence around 'how likely or what are the possibilities' "what are the chances" is another phrase in which its describing the possibilities of such event.
"I'm very worried for my father, what's the likelihood of a successful surgery?"(父のことがすごく心配です、手術の成功確率はどのくらいですか) 'Likelihood' は可能性と尋ねるときによく使われます。 "what are the chances" も、このようなことについて可能性を尋ねる言い方です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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