If he eats, he leaves the food where it is! If he undresses himself, he leaves his clothes scattered on the floor!
「皿は洗わない、ゴミは捨てない。」="He doesn't wash the dishes, and he doesn't take out the trash."
「小銭はその辺にいつも置きっぱなし。」="He leaves change lying around in the house."
"If he eats, he leaves the food where it is! "=「食べたら、彼はそのまま食べ物を置いておく!」
"If he undresses himself, he leaves his clothes scattered on the floor!"=「洋服を脱いだら、自分の洋服を床に散乱させたまま!」
Whenever he's done eating, he just leaves his dishes wherever he was sitting and the same goes for his clothes when he undresses!
ーWhenever he's done eating, he just leaves his dishes wherever he was sitting and the same goes for his clothes when he changes!
just leaves his dishes で「お皿を置きっぱなし」
the same goes for... で「…も同様で」
ーHe always leaves his dishes and clothes everywhere!
leaves clothes everywhere で「服をあちこちに脱ぎっぱなし」