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2016/04/17 17:34
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  • My feet are stinky

「臭い」は"stinky"や"smelly"と言います。 「私の足が臭いです」という意味です。
  • My feet smell really bad.

「臭い」という言い方が思い出せなければ smell bad でOKですよ。 My feet smell really bad. 足がすごく臭う。
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • My feet smell.

My feet smell. 〔訳〕足がくさい。 smell だけでもオッケーです。 動詞の smell には「嫌なにおいがする, くさい」という意味があります。 例) Your feet smell (= have an unpleasant smell). Why don't you wash them? 足臭いよ、洗ってくれば? 〔Cambridge Dictionary より〕 参考にしてください、 ありがとうございました。
  • My feet stink.

  • I have smelly feet.

*I have smelly feet. -Sometimes feet can sweat and produce a smelly odor. Example Sentences: Josh please don't take off your shoes in the house your feet stinks. I have smelly feet, I'm embarrassed to take off my shoes in public.
*I have smelly feet.という例文について ときどき、足に汗をかくことはあり、臭いにおいを発することがあります。 例文 Josh please don't take off your shoes in the house your feet stinks. 「ジョシュ、お願いだから家で靴を脱がないで。 あなたの足におうから。」 I have smelly feet, I'm embarrassed to take off my shoes in public. 「足がくさいので、みんなの前で靴を脱ぐのが恥ずかしい。」
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • smell

  • odour

you can say in non formal English "your feet pong!" or more formal "your feet have a bad odour" you can use the following words for smell reek, stink, stench to describe bad smells
公式ではない英語だと、次のようになります。 "your feet pong!"(あなたの足が臭いです。) もしくはもっとフォーマルな言い方もできます。 "your feet have a bad odour"(あなたの足は臭いが酷いです。) においについて以下の単語を使うことが出来ます。 "reek", "stink", "stench" 全てひどい臭いに使います。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • My feet smell bad.

  • My feet stink

When people say, 'Your feet smell,' or, 'My feet smell,' it is a negative description, so the feet smell BAD. You can also use the following words to describe a bad smell: stink, stench, reek, gross, rancid. Example sentences: When the weather is hot, my feet smell bad. Please wash your feet, they stink!
誰かが 'Your feet smell.' とか 'My feet smell.'と言う時は、臭い匂いがするという趣旨で、ネガティブな意味合いを持っています。 臭い匂いを表現するには次のような言葉も使えます。 stink, stench, reek, gross, rancid. 例文: When the weather is hot, my feet smell bad. (暑い天気のときは、私の足は臭くなります。) Please wash your feet, they stink! (足を洗ってください。臭いですよ。)
Rebekah Eve DMM英会話講師
  • My feet are pungent.

  • My feet are stinky.

Both of the above are correct 1) My feet are pungent- The word "pungent" is associated with something that has a strong smell. Usually used in terms of something smelling bad. For instance you can say "The meat has a pungent smell, I think it is spoiled." 2) My feet are stinky- The word "stinky" should only be used in a situation when you are with friends or family, as it is a colloquial/ slang word.This sentence means the same thing as the one above. Just as above, you can use this word with something that smells bad. For instance you can say "the cat is really stinky"
Janke DMM英会話講師
  • I've got stinky feet

  • I've got smelly feet

  • My feet are rank

'To stink' is a little more extreme and critical than 'to smell'. But it is OK to say it about your own feet if you are being self critical. 'Rank' means 'smelling of or having a very bad odour'.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My feet smell bad.

  • I have athlete's foot

  • I have a bad feet odour.

If you want to express that your feet smell, you can express that in the following wyas:- 1. My feet smell bad. Example sentence:- Lisa : "What is that smell?" John: "That smell is coming from my feet, my feet smell bad." 2. I have athlete's feet. Example sentence:- Doctor: "What brings you to see the doctor today?" John: "Doctor what can you recommend for stinky feet? I have athlete's feet." 3. I have a bad feet odour. Example sentence:- Michelle: "What is that smell? It's horrorible, I can breathe!" John:: "It's my feet, I have bad feet odour."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • My feet smell.

  • I have smelly feet.

  • My feet are smelly at the moment.

When someone has smelly feet it can be a very unpleasant for them/other people that come close to them, with a bad smell coming from their feet. This can be due to wearing unclean socks/unclean shoes, not washing their feet regularly and not practicing good hygiene.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • My feet stink.

  • My feet smell.

  • I have smelly feet.

Notice in the first two examples that you are able to use the adjectives, "stink," and, "smell," interchangeably as synonyms. In the last example we can see that the noun, "feet," becomes the object of the sentence in the first person perspective, "I."
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • Stinky feet

  • Smelly feet

You can use any of the above two words to tell someone that your feet stink. Example; - I have very smelly feet. - My feet are stinky. - After wearing closed shoes for the entire day, my feet are very smelly.
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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