世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/05 22:14
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  • One Tonkotsu ramen, one large beef bowl, and one beer, please.

ラーメンは英語でramen (noodle)です。 とんこつはそのまま“Tonkotsu”としましたが、あえて英語で言うなら、"pork bone broth ramen"でいいと思います。 注文がすべて1つずつなので、oneを付けるとわかりやすいです。 または、 I want a Tonkotsu ramen, a large beef bowl, and a beer. でもOKです。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • Can I please have a tonkotsu ramen, a large gyundon and a beer please?

*Can I please have a tonkotsu ramen, a large gyundon and a beer please? - This is a polite way of ordering and you can also them how you want the food done and if they are able to do it for you they will also let you know.
*Can I please have a tonkotsu ramen, a large gyundon and a beer please? 「私はトンコツラーメン、牛丼大盛り、ビールをお願いします。」 これは注文の丁寧な方法であり、もし可能であれば、どのように注文したいかを伝えることもできます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can I have a tonkotsu ramen, a large beef bowl and a beer please.

  • Can I order a large beef bowl, a tonkotsu and a beer please.

▪ Can I have a tonkotsu ramen, a large beef bowl and a beer please. ▪ Can I order a large beef bowl, a tonkotsu and a beer please. By saying please a being polite when ordering. Any of the above phrases can be used and both are easy to be understood.
▪ Can I have a tonkotsu ramen, a large beef bowl and a beer please. (豚骨ラーメンと牛丼大とビールを1つずつください。) ▪ Can I order a large beef bowl, a tonkotsu and a beer please. (大きい牛丼を1つと豚骨ラーメン1つとビールを注文できますか。) Please という言葉をつけると注文の際に丁寧に伝えられます。 上記のどの言い方でも使えますし、どれも分かり易い表現です。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • One bowl of tonkotsu ramen and gyudon, and a can of beer please!

  • Can I have a bowl of tonkotsu ramen and gyudon, and a (can) of beer please!

"One bowl of tonkotsu ramen and gyudon, and a can of beer please!" and/or "Can I have a bowl of tonkotsu ramen and gyudon, and a (can) of beer please!" are two different ways of ordering what you want. The measure word for ramen would be a bowl, and it would be the same for gyudon. You can choose to ask for a can of beer or a beer, as both work.
"One bowl of tonkotsu ramen and gyudon, and a can of beer please!"(豚骨ラーメン1杯と牛丼1杯、それにビールもください) "Can I have a bowl of tonkotsu ramen and gyudon, and a (can) of beer please!"(豚骨ラーメン1杯と牛丼1杯、それにビールもください) 上記のように注文できます。ラーメンの数え方は "bowl"(どんぶり)です。これは牛丼も同じです。 「ビール」は "a can of beer"(ビール一缶)または "a beer"(ビール一杯/本/缶)と言えます。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to order one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl, and one bottle of beer please.

  • May I have one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl, and one can of beer please?

  • May I please have one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl and one can of beer?

When ordering food at a restaurant, one has to be specific as to what he/she really wants to have. In this case, you 'would like to order' one pork bone soup broth ramen (tokotsu ramen), a large beel bowl, and one bottle or can of beer. Of course, politeness is an imperative, and so you add the adverb 'please'. The expression 'would like to order' actually means, 'I want to have' the items as specified. The modal verb 'may' used in the second and third requests is polite enough on its own, but, can be reinforced by the adverb 'please' to make it as polite as possible. So, you may order your food as follows: I would like to order one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl, and one bottle of beer please. or May I have one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl and one can of beer please? or May I please have one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl and one can of beer?
レストランで注文をするときは、何が欲しいのか明確に伝えなければなりません。この場合は、豚骨ラーメンと牛丼の大盛りをそれぞれ1杯、そしてビールも1本あるいは1缶欲しいということですね。もちろん、丁寧に伝えることも重要ですから、'please' を加えましょう。'would like to order' は、'I want to have'(~をください)を意味します。 助動詞の 'may' を使った二つ目と三つ目の例は既に十分丁寧ですが、'please' を加えるとさらに丁寧になります。 次のように注文できます。 I would like to order one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl, and one bottle of beer please. (豚骨ラーメン1杯と牛丼の大盛りを1杯、それにビールを1本ください) May I have one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl and one can of beer please? (豚骨ラーメン1杯と牛丼の大盛りを1杯、それにビールを1缶ください) May I please have one pork bone soup broth ramen, a large beef bowl and one can of beer? (豚骨ラーメン1杯と牛丼の大盛りを1杯、それにビールを1缶ください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Can I get a tonkotsu ramen, a gyudon and a beer please

  • I would like a pork bone ramen, a beef bowl and a beer please

When ordering in a shop or restaurant it is always good to be polite so adding please is a nice way of asking so you would ask 'can I get.......' or 'I would like......' a tonkotsu ramen is a ramen dish made with pork bones
お店やレストランで注文をするときには、丁寧にお願いした方がいいです。'please' を加えるといいでしょう。 'can I get.......' または 'I would like......' と聞けます。 'tonkotsu ramen' はブタの骨で作ったラーメンです。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Could I have one tonkotsu ramen, one gyudon, and a beer please?

You want to order a tonkotsu ramen, a large gyudon (beef bowl), and a beer. If you wish to order something, you can start the request with, 'Could I have....' or 'Could I please have...'
豚骨ラーメン1杯と牛丼の大盛り1杯それにビールを注文したいということですね。 何かを注文するときには、'Could I have....' あるいは 'Could I please have...' で文を始めることができます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
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