I don't want to slave away at that company until I die.
I don't want to work myself to death at that company.
I don't want to chip away at my body and soul until I die while working at that company.
まず、「その会社で死ぬまで働きたくない」は「I don't want work until I die at that company」です。
I don't want to slave away at that company until I die.
「Slave away」は「奴隷のように働く」、「あくせく働く」という意味です。
I don't want to work myself to death at that company.
「Work until I die」のもう一つの言い方は「work myself to death」です。
「身も心も削りながら」は「chip away at my body and soul」がいいと思います。
「Chip away at 〜」は「少しずつ削る」という意味です。
I don't want to chip away at my body and soul until I die working at that company.