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2016/07/13 18:08
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  • These days students use their phones to record input lessons in class

Well, some people may call it progress if students record their lesson content by photo and audio capture, but there is one serious ingredient missing here which may affect the learning process. In taking notes, students have to actually do something and this mechanical function is often cited as an aide de memoire.
一部の人々は、学生が写真と録音によって授業の内容を記録するなんて、大きな進歩だと言うかもしれません。 しかし、学習過程に影響を与えるかもしれない深刻な損失もあるかもしれません。 ノートをとる際に、学生は体を動かさないといけません。 そのように体を動かすことで、記憶しやすくなるのです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A smart phone can take a picture of a blackboard and record audio of the lecture instead of taking notes.

スマホ1つで講義中ノートを撮る代わりに黒板を写真に撮って、音声録音ができる。 僕のいたところでは、 卒論などレポートやエッセイの類は ハードコピー:紙 ソフトコピー:データ の2種類で必ず提出していました。 データでもらうことで、プレジャリズム( 盗用)していないかどうかを瞬時に検索かけることができますから、大学側も重宝しています。あと大学ウェブサイトにログインすれば授業音声、講義内容の写真も自由に閲覧できました。
  • Instead of taking notes, I just use my smartphone to take a picture of the blackboard and record the class.

  • On this campus it is very common to use the smartphone to record classes instead of taking notes.

  • I no longer take notes in classes. I just use my phone to record them and take pictures of the blackboard.

Instead of taking notes, I just use my smartphone to take a picture of the blackboard and record the class. On this campus it is very common to use the smartphone to record classes instead of taking notes. I no longer take notes in classes. I just use my phone to record them and take pictures of the blackboard. I am doing a study to see how often people use their phones to record classes or take notes. I want to do a thesis on the modern way students take notes in class. It seems they record them instead of writing them. It's very popular to record lectures at school instead of taking notes.
Instead of taking notes, I just use my smartphone to take a picture of the blackboard and record the class. (私はノートを取る代わりに、スマートフォンを使って黒板の写真を撮ったり授業を録音します) On this campus it is very common to use the smartphone to record classes instead of taking notes. (このキャンパスでは、ノートを取る代わりスマートフォンを使って授業を録音する人が多いです) I no longer take notes in classes. I just use my phone to record them and take pictures of the blackboard. (私はもう授業でノートを取りません。スマートフォンを使って録音したり黒板の写真を撮るだけです) I am doing a study to see how often people use their phones to record classes or take notes. (学生がどのくらいの頻度でスマートフォンを使って授業を録音し、どのくらいの頻度でノートを取るのか調査しています) I want to do a thesis on the modern way students take notes in class. It seems they record them instead of writing them. (現代の学生の授業でのノートの取り方について論文を書きたいと思っています。書くのではなく録音する人が多いようです) It's very popular to record lectures at school instead of taking notes. (ノートを取る代わりに学校の講義を録音する人が多いです)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • Nowadays, students don't take notes anymore; but they take photos of the blackboard and record what their teachers are saying.

  • Instead of taking notes, students these days use their phones to take photos of the blackboard and record the lecture

When you want to explain that students these days use their smartphones to take photos of the blackboard and audio record what the teacher is saying instead of taking notes; you can express this in the following way: -Nowadays, students don't take notes anymore; but they take photos of the blackboard and record what their teachers are saying. -Instead of taking notes, students these days use their phones to take photos of the blackboard and record the lecture
最近の学生がノートを取る代わりにスマートフォンを使って黒板を撮影したり、授業を録音したりしていることは、次のように説明できます。 -Nowadays, students don't take notes anymore; but they take photos of the blackboard and record what their teachers are saying. (最近の学生はもうノートは取りません。代わりに携帯で黒板を撮影したり授業を録音したりしています) -Instead of taking notes, students these days use their phones to take photos of the blackboard and record the lecture (最近の学生はノートを取る代わりに携帯を使って黒板を撮影したり、授業を録音したりします)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Nowadays students use their smart phones to take notes/pictures and recordings of lessons

"Nowadays students use their smart phones to take notes/pictures and recordings of lessons" a sentence describing that in the present time students are able to use their phone to take pictures and voice recordings to improve their studying. 'Nowadays' is an expression used to describe the present time.
"Nowadays students use their smart phones to take notes/pictures and recordings of lessons"(最近では学生はスマートフォンを使ってノートを取る/授業を撮影したり録音したりする) 「最近では学生は携帯を使って授業を写真に撮ったり録音したりできる」と言っています。 'Nowadays' は「現代」を表す表現です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Nowadays students use their phone to take photos and record the lesson instead of writing notes

  • Instead of writing notes students now use their phones to take the details of the lesson

If something has changed and it didn't happen before but does now this is called 'nowadays' or simply 'now' meaning this present time taking notes is also the same as writing notes as they are taken down or written down
「以前は行われていなかったことが今は行われている」、これは 'nowadays' あるいは単に 'now' で表せます。これらは「現在」という意味です。 'writing notes' は 'taking notes'(メモを取る)と同じことです。メモは書くものですから。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Instead of taking notes, students use their phones to record lectures these days.

  • These days, students use their phones as notebooks instead of writing notes by hand.

  • Students use their phones to take notes these days.

1. "Instead of taking notes, students use their phones to record lectures these days" This example can be used when expressing disappointment. By saying 'instead of taking notes', it shows that the speaker believes that cellphones are not adequate note-taking devices. This is useful for voicing your opinion about a certain issue. 2. "These days, students use their phones as notebook instead of writing notes by hand" This example sentence can be used when trying to remain impartial on the issue of phone usage in classrooms. If using this example sentence, the speaker is not voicing their own opinion as the speaker is showing that phones can also be used like notebooks. 3. "Students use their phones to take notes these days" This is a more succinct version of the second example sentence.
1. "Instead of taking notes, students use their phones to record lectures these days"(最近の学生はノートの代わりに携帯で抗議を記録する) この文は落胆を表すときに使えます。'instead of taking notes'(ノートを取る代わりに)は、話し手がノートを取るものとして携帯では不十分であると考えていることを表します。これは自分の意見を表すときに使えます。 2. "These days, students use their phones as notebook instead of writing notes by hand"(最近の学生は手でノートを取らずに携帯をノートブックとして使っている) これは、教室で携帯を使うことについて中立な立場を取りたいときに使えます。ここでは、話し手は携帯がノートブックとしても使えることを認めていて、自分の意見は表していません。 3. "Students use their phones to take notes these days"(最近の学生はノートを取るのに携帯を使っている) これは二つ目の例のより簡潔な言い方です。
Liam F DMM英会話講師
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