The battery is low, so it might die in the middle of what you're doing
It's almost out of power, so it might die soon
the battery is low, so
almost out of power, so
it might die in the middle of what you're doing
in the middle of what you're doingは「あなたがしようとしている途中」と言う意味ですが、そろそろ切れるかもしれませんと言う意味でもよければdie soonを使えますね。
The battery on my phone is getting low, so it might die in the middle of our conversation.
I think I might need to charge my phone soon, so don't be surprised if it runs out part-way through our conversation.
ーThe battery on my phone is getting low, so it might die in the middle of our conversation.
The battery is getting low で「バッテリーが少なくなってきている」と言えます。
ーI think I might need to charge my phone soon, so don't be surprised if it runs out part-way through our conversation.
to need to charge「充電する必要がある」ということは「充電が少ない」ことがわかりますね。