Your older sister and younger sister look so much alike. I can't tell them apart.
Your big sister and little sister look exactly the same. I can't tell the difference between them.
ーYour older sister and younger sister look so much alike. I can't tell them apart.
can't tell them apart で「どっちがどっちか見分けがつかない・区別がつかない」
ーYour big sister and little sister look exactly the same. I can't tell the difference between them.
can't tell the difference between them で「区別がつかない・見分けがつかない」
I can't tell the difference between the older sister and the younger sister.
「姉と妹の区別がつきません」を英語で表現する際は、"I can't tell the difference between the older sister and the younger sister." というフレーズが自然です。
- "I can't tell the difference" は「区別がつかない」という意味です。"tell" は「見分ける」という意味で、特に外見や特徴が似ているものを区別できない場合に使います。
- "older sister" は「姉」、"younger sister" は「妹」です。英語では、姉と妹を区別するために "older"(年上の)と "younger"(年下の)を使います。