I live in a pretty run of the mill neighbourhood. It has no special buildings at all.
私の住んでる街は普通な街です - My area/My town/My neighbourhood is pretty regular / My area doesn't have anything special / My town is pretty normal / My neighbourhood is pretty average / The town I live in is pretty average etc.
住んでいる - live
街 - area, neighbourhood, town
普通 - average, regular, normal, ordinary etc.
My area/My neighbourhood だけで「私の住んでいる街」の意味が十分伝わります。
私の住んでいる街は、特に伝統的な建物もなく、いたって普通な街 - My area doesn't really have any traditional buildings. It's pretty average. もしくは I live in a pretty run of the mill neighbourhood. It has no special/traditional buildings at all.
run of the mill = ド普通、平凡 など
traditional より special の方がこの文章に合うと思います。 average/regularの対義語が special ですから。
I live in a pretty run on the mill town. It has no special buildings or attractions at all.