I go to the hospital once a week to check on the side effects of my current medicine.
I currently go to the hospital once a week.
「私は現在薬の副作用の様子を見るため、週に1度病院へ行っています。」は英語で「Currently, I go to the hospital once a week to check the side effects of my medicine.」という表現が良いと思います。
薬の副作用ーSide effects (Of drugs/medicine)
様子ーState of affairs・The situation・The circumstances
ーI go see a doctor once a week.
go see a doctor は直訳すると「医者に診てもらいに行く」ですが「病院に行く」とも訳せます。
I go see a doctor once a week to see if there are any side effects from the medicine I've been taking.
see if there are any side effects「薬の副作用がないか確かめる」
the medicine I've been taking で「飲んでいる薬」