If you write your name and age on a special slip of paper from the shrine, and then breathe on it and present it at the shrine, your prayer will be answered.
「ご利益がある」とは「your prayer will be answered」「you will receive a divine blessing」「you will be blessed by the gods」など。
"It's said that if you write your name and age on the paper received from the shrine, blow on it, and offer it, you can receive blessings."
「神社からいただいた紙に名前と年齢を書き、息を吹きかけ奉納するとご利益がある」を英語に翻訳すると "It's said that if you write your name and age on the paper received from the shrine, blow on it, and offer it, you can receive blessings"となります。
ここで、"receive from the shrine"は「神社からいただく」、"write"は「書く」、"blow on it"は「息を吹きかける」、"offer it"は「奉納する」、"blessings"は「ご利益」という意味になります。