The active ingredients are absorbed in your body, but the shell of the pill comes out in your stool.
The inside of the pill gets absorbed in your body. The outside part of the pill is the only part that comes out of your body.
ーThe active ingredients are absorbed in your body, but the shell of the pill comes out in your stool.
active ingredients で「有効成分」
be absorbed で「吸収される」
shell of the pill で「錠剤の殻」
stool で「便」
ーThe inside of the pill gets absorbed in your body. The outside part of the pill is the only part that comes out of your body.
get absorbed で「吸収される」
come out of で「〜から出てくる」
The tablet shell you see is just the outer coating.
- "The active ingredients are fully absorbed. The tablet shell you see is just the outer coating."
ここでは "active ingredients" が「有効成分」を意味し、"are fully absorbed" によって「しっかり吸収されている」という現在完了形のニュアンスを持たせています。"tablet shell" は「錠剤の殻」または「外側のコーティング」を指しており、"just" を使うことで「それだけに過ぎない」という安心感を伝えています。
- "The effective ingredients have been fully absorbed. The outer shell is what remains."