I have just looked through what you uploaded but I cannot find any changes.
I looked through what you had uploaded but I cannot find any changes.
I just looked through what you uploaded, but I couldn’t find any changes.
I have just looked through what you uploaded, but I can’t find any changes.
- "I just looked through what you uploaded, but I couldn’t find any changes."
この文では「I just looked through」のように過去形 "looked" を使っているため、「少し前に確認したが今はそのアクションは終わっている」ことを伝えます。
- "I have just looked through what you uploaded, but I can’t find any changes."
"have just looked through" は現在完了形で、確認したアクションが「ちょうど今終わったばかり」で、現在にもその結果が影響していることを強調します。