Could you really say that their looks don't matter at all, as long as their personality is good?
"Could you really say that"=「あなたは~だと本当に言えますか」
"their looks don't matter at all"=「見かけは全く重要ではないと」
"as long as their personality is good?"=「性格が良ければ?」
☆「言いきる」の直訳ではありませんが、"Could you swear that (their looks don't matter....)"=「~をあなたは誓えますか?」という表現も使えます。「誓う」という日本語は少し重みがありますが、この文脈ではそれほど違和感はないと思います。
Even when a guy has a great personality, are you sure his looks aren't that important?
ーEven when a guy has a great personality, are you sure his looks aren't that important?
great personality「素晴らしい性格・人格」
sure 「確信している・自信がある」
looks 「ルックス・容貌」
important で「重要な・大切な」