This room is much colder than the other rooms in my house, so I try to sit still as much as I can.
My bedroom is much cooler than my living room, so I try not to move around too much in there.
ーThis room is much colder than the other rooms in my house, so I try to sit still as much as I can.
much colder で「ずっと寒い」
sit still で「じっと座っている・じっとしている」
as much as I can で「できる限り」
ーMy bedroom is much cooler than my living room, so I try not to move around too much in there.
much cooler で「ずっと冷える」
move around で「動き回る」
"This room is much colder than the living room, so I try to stay still as much as possible."
- **"This room is much colder than the living room."**
「この部屋はリビングよりずっと寒い」という意味です。"much colder" を使うことで、他の部屋との差が明確になります。
- **"I try to stay still as much as possible."**
「できるだけじっとしているようにしています」という意味です。"stay still" は「じっとしている」を自然に表現する言葉です。
- **"as much as possible"**