世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/08/24 19:13
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  • I don't want to go outside.

  • I don't want to leave home.

Hey there Shota! ユーコネクトの英語コーチのアーサーです! 「家を出る」の直訳は「go outside of the house」ですが、この場合はアメリカ人がよく言うのは「go outside」(外に出る)です。 It's so hot, I don't want to go outside. でも家と限らず、お店にも当てはまります。 「家から」ということを強調すると、 leave home(家から去る)と言います。 I love my house so much. I don't want to leave home. よろしくお願いします! アーサーより
  • I don’t want to leave the house.

台風の影響でまた暑さが戻ってきたようですね。 "I don’t want to leave the house." 「家から出たくない。」 補足欄の文です。 "I just want to stay in a cool room because it’s so hot outside." 「外はとても熱いから涼しい部屋にだけに居たい。」
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • It's too hot outside. I don't want to go out.

  • I don't feel like going outside. It's too hot.

  • It's too hot for me to go outside.

All of these examples state the reason for you not wanting to go outside - because it is too hot. A: Do you want to go play basketball? B: I don't want to leave the house. It's too hot outside. Feel like = desire to, want to "I don't feel like going to work today." "I don't feel like going to school today." "She doesn't feel like eating right now." "I feel like watching a movie right now."
これらの例はどれも、なぜあなたが外に行きたくないかの理由(外が暑すぎるから)を述べています。 A: Do you want to go play basketball? (バスケットボールをしにいかない?) B: I don't want to leave the house. It's too hot outside. (家を出たくないよ。外は暑すぎるよ。) feel like = 〜がしたい "I don't feel like going to work today." (今日は仕事に行きたくないなぁ。) "I don't feel like going to school today." (今日は学校に行きたくないなぁ) "She doesn't feel like eating right now." (彼女は今食べたい気分でない。) "I feel like watching a movie right now." (今、映画が観たい気分です。)
Shay S DMM英会話講師
  • Its too hot to go outside.

Remember we say Other examples are: It is too cold to have an ice cream. He is too proud to beg.
"too… toという表現を覚えてください。 他の例では: It is too cold to have an ice cream. 寒すぎてアイスクリームは食べられない。 He is too proud to beg. 彼は傲慢すぎて人にお願いできない。"
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I want to stay home.

「家にいたい」の意味です。 ダイレクトな直訳は他の方が既に挙げてらっしゃっているので、私は別の例文を挙げてみました。 直訳ではないですが、同じ場面で使える表現です。 ご参考までに<m(__)m>
  • I don't want to go outside.

  • I want to stay home.

I don't want to go outside. こちらはそのまんまの訳。 I want to stay home. こちらは少し言い方を変えて「家に居たい」です。 例)I want to stay home and be left alone all day.(一日中家に居て独りぼっちがいい。) ◆参考 leave someone alone「...を一人にしておく、放っておく」 参考にしてみてください☆彡
  • I'm in love with AC!

  • I'm not setting one foot outside!

If you are in love with someone or something you really want to spend time with that person or thing. "I am in love with chocolate!" To set one's foot = to go to a place, especially when there is something special or unusual about you doing this set foot on/in in: "It was the first time she had set foot in the desert." set foot on/in on: "It was the first time I had set foot on French soil."
一緒に時間をこれから過ごしたいと思っている人や物に恋に落ちているのだとしたらこういう表現が使えます。 "I am in love with chocolate!" チョコレートと恋に落ちちゃった。 To set one's foot = ある場所に踏み入れる、特に特別な珍しい場所だったりするときに使います。 set foot on/in in: "It was the first time she had set foot in the desert." 砂漠に足を踏み入れるのは彼女ははじめてだった。 set foot on/in on: "It was the first time I had set foot on French soil." フランスの土を踏むのははじめてだった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to relax at home today.

  • I will take the opportunity to stay home today.

  • I will stay home, It is a bit too hot for me today.

1. As the weather is not good for you, you have a preference to stay home as it will be more relaxing for you. So you can relax at home rather than suffer the heat. 2. It is a good excuse to stay home, an opportunity, so you will take the chance that you have gotten to rest and be home. 3. To state that the weather is uncomfortable to you you can say - for me, it's too hot.
1. 暑いので外に行くよりも家にいたい、家にいてリラックスしたいと伝えています。 2. これは家にいる口実として使えます。「この機会に家でゆっくりすることにする」と伝えています。 3. 'for me, it's too hot.'(私には暑すぎる)で「過ごしにくい天気」を表すことができます。
MJ Elworthy DMM英会話講師
  • I don't want to leave home. It's hot there

  • It's too hot outside. I don't want to go out

You can use two of these sentences to express your feelings about going out. There are no differences between them, so feel free to choose any!
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
  • It is so hot outside that I think I am going to stay indoors.

  • I do not want to leave the house today because it is way to hot outside.

  • air conditioning

"Indoors" means to be inside a building. "because" is a word that people use to connect two individual statements. For example "I do not want to leave the house today because it is way to hot outside." air conditioning is a device that blows cool air inside your home or office. You could say "When it is hot outside, I like to stay in my house because it has air conditioning."
"indoors" は「屋内で」という意味です。 "because" は二つの文をつなげる働きをする言葉です。 例えば: "I do not want to leave the house today because it is way to hot outside."(今日は暑いから家を出たくない) 'air conditioning' は室内(家/オフィス)の温度を下げる装置をいいます。 例えば: "When it is hot outside, I like to stay in my house because it has air conditioning." (暑い日は家にいるのが好きです、エアコンが付いているので)
Madison T DMM英会話講師
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