「俗っぽい人間」は、"an ordinary person"/ "ordinary people"
"His wife is nice but very ordinary."
「俗っぽい人間」という表現を英語で表現するには、**"down-to-earth"**(現実的で親しみやすい)、**"ordinary"**(普通の)、または**"someone with simple tastes"**(質素でシンプルな趣味を持つ人)が適しています。
1. **"My colleague acts all holier-than-thou, but his wife is just a down-to-earth person who loves ordinary things like standing in line for famous cakes."**
2. **"He pretends to be above it all, but his wife enjoys simple pleasures like road trips to get cakes from a famous bakery."**
3. **"His wife is just a regular person with simple tastes, unlike his overly saintly attitude."**
**holier-than-thou**: 他人より道徳的だと思い込んでいる
- **pretentious**: 気取った