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2016/07/22 15:54
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  • My head hurts from using the computer so much

  • I have a headache from being on the computer all day

My head hurts from using the computer so much =パソコンのやり過ぎで頭が痛い I have a headache from being on the computer all day =一日中パソコンをやってるせいで頭痛がある headache =頭痛 acheが「痛む」と言う意味です。
  • Too much sitting in front of the computer makes my head hurt so bad.

  • When I work on the computer too long, I get a bad headache.

パソコンのしすぎにお気をつけくださいね! Too much sitting in front of the computer makes my head hurt so bad. 「コンピュータの前に座りすぎると頭がすごく痛くなる。」 "Too much sitting in front of…"ですが、「パソコンのやりすぎ」ということは、その前に「長時間座りすぎている」のでこう表現しました。 When I work on the computer too long, I get a bad headache. 「コンピュータで仕事を長くしすぎるとひどい頭痛になる。」 "Work on the computer"は「コンピュータで仕事をする」です。Headacheの前には冠詞aが必要ですのでお気をつけください。
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • The computer gives me serious headaches after a couple of hours.

  • Hours in front of the computer gives me painful headaches.

>The computer gives me serious headaches after a couple of hours. *serious=significant or worrying because of possible danger or risk; not slight or negligible. #This sentence explains that after a few hours in front of a computer gives you a headache. ...................................................... >Hours in front of the computer gives me painful headaches. *painful=very bad. ........................****...............
The computer gives me serious headaches after a couple of hours. *serious=危険やリスクの可能性があり、深刻な状況を意味します。 パソコンのせいで2、3時間前から頭痛がひどいということを意味する表現です。 Hours in front of the computer gives me painful headaches. *painful=最悪
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Using the computer a long time gives me headaches

  • I suffer from severe headaches if I stay on the computer too long

If you get a physical reaction from something, then you can say that you are 'given' that ailment by something: "Walking in the rain often gives me a cold." "Beetroot doesn't agree with me. It always gives me stomach ache." "The music was too loud and gave me a migraine." If you have a regular ailment, you can say that you 'suffer' from that ailment. "I suffer from backache whenever I sit down."
物理的な反応を得た場合、あなたはあなたが何かによって与えられた:'given' と言うことができます: 「雨の中を歩くのは寒いです。」 「ビートルートはいつも身体に合わない。腹痛になるんだよね」 「音楽が大きすぎて、片頭痛になった。」 持病で苦しんでいるのなら、sufferを使うことができます。 「私が座るたびに背中が痛みを訴えます。」
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If I stare at my computer screen for too long, I get really bad migraines.

  • I often get migraines after staring at the computer screen for too long.

"If I stare at my computer screen for too long, I get really bad migraines." Migraines are really bad headaches, and many native speakers will refer to them as such. Here you express that looking at a computer screen causes you to have headaches. "I often get migraines after staring at the computer screen for too long." This sentence expresses that you get headaches frequently (very often, all the time) when staring at a computer screen for long periods of time.
"If I stare at my computer screen for too long, I get really bad migraines."(長時間パソコンの画面を見つめていると、ひどい片頭痛になります) - "Migraine" はひどい頭痛のことです、ネイティブスピーカーの多くがこれを "Migraine" と言います。ここでは「パソコンの画面を見ていると、頭が痛くなる」と伝えています。 "I often get migraines after staring at the computer screen for too long."(長時間パソコンの画面を見つめていると、よく片頭痛になります) - この文は「長時間パソコンの画面を見つめていると、よく頭痛になる」という意味です。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I get headaches if I'm on my computer for too long

  • Being on my computer too long gives me headaches

When using or looking at a computer for too long it can make your eyes and head hurt or give you headaches so it is always good to take a few breaks inbetween if you can A headache is when your eyes and head hurt and it can sometimes make you feel sick too long means long periods of time
パソコンを長時間見ていたり使っていると、目や頭が痛くなることがあります。ですから、できるなら休憩しながらやった方がいいでしょう。 'headache' は目や頭が痛むときを言います。吐き気を伴うこともあります。 'too long' は「長時間」の意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • After a long while of using a computer I often get headaches.

  • Staring at a computer screen gives me a headache.

"After a long while of using a computer I often get headaches." "After a long while" describes that after a period of time. "Staring at a computer screen gives me a headache." Staring at a computer screen" refers to looking at the computer/using the computer for a period of time. 'Staring' can be used in many scenarios such as "I was staring into your eyes" "I stared into the night sky"
"After a long while of using a computer I often get headaches."(ずっとパソコンを使っていると、よく頭が痛くなる) = "After a long while" は「しばらくすると」の意味です。 "Staring at a computer screen gives me a headache."(パソコンの画面をじっと見ていると頭が痛くなる) = "Staring at a computer screen" はパソコンをしばらく見る/使うことをいいます。'Staring' はいろいろな状況で使えます。例えば: "I was staring into your eyes"(あなたの瞳を見つめていました) "I stared into the night sky"(私は夜空をじっと見つめました)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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