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2016/07/23 04:12
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  • ① I didn't download it because I didn't want to run out of battery

バッテリーの消費を避けるためにダウンロードをしなかったという英語は「① I didn't download it because I didn't want to run out of battery」になります。 確かに、常にカメラをつけていたり、GPSをつけっぱなしにするとすぐに電池が切れてしまいますね。 ジュリアン
Julian Sushi Chef / English Teacher / Cyclist / Horseman
  • Pokemon is heavy on battery use so I didn't download it

  • I thought Pokemon would drain my battery so didn't download it

When considering which app to download, or if you wish to download a certain app, battery storage may be an issue, depending on the age and make of your phone. Many people worry about how quickly their battery may lose power or be 'drained' by apps which carry on various processes even when they are not in use.
どのアプリをダウンロードするか考えるとき、もしくは特定のアプリをダウンロードしたいときに、古さや電話の機種によりますが、バッテリーに問題があるかもしれません。 多くの人は、バッテリーがすぐに減ることや使用していないときの様々なアプリのプロセスによって消耗してバッテリーがすぐに少なくなることを心配しています。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I did not download Pokemon because it would kill my battery.

  • My battery didn't stay charged very well when I played Pokemon so I deleted it.

  • I don't play Pokemon because it drains my battery.

I did not download Pokemon because it would kill my battery. My battery didn't stay charged very well when I played Pokemon so I deleted it. I don't play Pokemon because it drains my battery. I don't play Pokemon because it drains my cell phone. I can't keep my cell phone charged when I play Pokemon so I quit playing it. I can't download Pokemon because it kills my battery life. I'm not playing Pokemon anymore because it drains my battery. I noticed that playing Pokemon drains my battery so I deleted it and quit playing it.
I did not download Pokemon because it would kill my battery. (バッテリーを消耗するので、ポケモンはダウンロードしませんでした) My battery didn't stay charged very well when I played Pokemon so I deleted it. (ポケモンをやるとバッテリーの持ちが悪かったので、削除しました) I don't play Pokemon because it drains my battery. (バッテリーを消耗するので、ポケモンはやりません) I don't play Pokemon because it drains my cell phone. (携帯のバッテリーを消耗するのでポケモンはやりません) I can't keep my cell phone charged when I play Pokemon so I quit playing it. (ポケモンをやると携帯のバッテリーがすぐなくなるので、やめました) I can't download Pokemon because it kills my battery life. (バッテリーの消耗が激しいので、ポケモンはダウンロードできません) I'm not playing Pokemon anymore because it drains my battery. (バッテリーを消耗するのでもうポケモンはやっていません) I noticed that playing Pokemon drains my battery so I deleted it and quit playing it. (ポケモンをやるとバッテリーを消耗すると気付いたので、削除してやめました)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • I didn't download Pokemon Go as it would drain my battery.

Download means to put on a device. For example: I've downloaded WhatsApp onto my phone. Drain means to deplete or decrease something, like energy. For example: School work is very draining. "I didn't download Pokemon Go as it would drain my battery."
"Download" は機器にデータを転送することをいいます。 例えば: I've downloaded WhatsApp onto my phone.(携帯にWhatsAppをダウンロードしました) "Drain" は「〔エネルギーなどを〕消耗させる/減らす」という意味です。 例えば: School work is very draining.(学業はすごく疲れます) "I didn't download Pokemon Go as it would drain my battery."(バッテリーを消費するのでポケモンゴーはダウンロードしませんでした)
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't download the Pokemon Go app because it's big and it would have made my battery flat in no time.

  • Because of the fear that if I downloaded the Pokemon Go app, it might finish my laptop battery power, I avoided downloading it.

  • I did the right thing not to download the Pokemon Go app, otherwise it would have drained my laptop's battery.

Some games have very big memory and do drain computer batteries quickly. So, if you want to download a game like Pokemon Go, you might need to delete some files which you don't need on your laptop or computer in order to create space and save RAM. If your computer has a lot of files that you do not use, it may become very slow, and, if you play games on it such as Pokemon Go, the battery life may be affected. The adjective 'flat' used in the first statement has various meanings, but, in this context, it means the battery has 'lost it's charge'. The phrase 'in no time', also used in the first statement, means 'very quickly'. So, you may say: I didn't download the Pokemon Go app because it's big and it would have made my battery flat in no time. or Because of the fear that if I downloaded the Pokemon Go app, it might finish my laptop battery power, I avoided downloading it. or I did the right thing not to download the Pokemon Go app, otherwise it would have drained my laptop's battery.
ゲームによっては、大容量のメモリーを必要とする電池の消耗が激しいゲームもあります。ポケモンゴーのようなゲームをダウンロードしたいなら、必要のないファイルをパソコンから削除して、容量を確保しないといけないかもしれません。 パソコンに不要なファイルがたくさんあると、動きが遅くなりますし、またその状態でポケモンゴーなどのゲームをすると、電池寿命に影響が出るかもしれません。 一つ目の例で使われている形容詞の 'flat' にはいろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは「電池がなくなる」という意味です。 同じく一つ目の例で使われている 'in no time' は「すぐに」という意味です。 次のように言えます。 I didn't download the Pokemon Go app because it's big and it would have made my battery flat in no time. (ポケモンゴーは大容量で、電池を消耗するのでダウンロードしませんでした) Because of the fear that if I downloaded the Pokemon Go app, it might finish my laptop battery power, I avoided downloading it. (ポケモンゴーはパソコンの電池を消耗すると思ったので、ダウンロードしませんでした) I did the right thing not to download the Pokemon Go app, otherwise it would have drained my laptop's battery. (ポケモンゴーをダウンロードしなかったのは正解でした。していたら、パソコンの電池をすごく消耗していたと思う)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I didn't download Pokemon GO because I felt it might drain my battery.

  • I was afraid of my battery being drained by Pokemon GO, so I didn't download it.

  • Pokemon GO uses a lot of battery so I didn't download it.

It is an inconvenience when our battery dies and we are out and about. Downloading games that easily drain the battery is avoided. This specific game uses a lot of power and so it was not downloaded. Drain: to empty out Inconvenience: trouble, struggle, difficulty
外出中に電池が切れてしまうと不便ですね。 電池を消耗しやすいゲームはダウンロードしない人が多いです。 このゲームは電池を消耗するのでダウンロードしなかったわけですね。 Drain: 空になる Inconvenience: 迷惑、不便、困難
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't download the app because I thought it would use all my battery

  • I didn't download the app because I thought it would drain all my battery

  • I didn't download the app because I thought my battery would die

There are many ways of saying this concept because it's quite a common concept. You can say that your battery is 'drained' or 'used up' or 'dead' however it's also good to specify that this was because of potentially downloading the app. Other ways to say this would be: 'My battery has been depleted' (very formal) 'My battery has been exhausted' (also very formal)
これはかなり一般的な考えなので、いろいろな言い方があります。 バッテリーがなくなることは、'drained' や 'used up' 'dead' で表せます。ただ、それが「仮にアプリをダウンロードした場合のこと」であると明確にした方がいいですね。 他の言い方としては: 'My battery has been depleted'(非常にフォーマル) 'My battery has been exhausted'(同じく、非常にフォーマル) 「バッテリーがなくなりました」
Harriet R DMM英会話講師
  • I didn't download this app as it would drain a lot of my battery

  • If I downloaded The Pokemon Go app it would use all of my phone battery

"I didn't download this app as it would drain a lot of my battery" To 'Download' something is to copy or the act of 'downloading' something from the internet. in this case an app on your phone. To 'drain' something is the expression used when something is running out/leaving/diapering, often used when talking about a liquid but also used for many other things such as phone battery and how you feel, ex. "I feel drained today, I am so tired".
"I didn't download this app as it would drain a lot of my battery"(このアプリは電池の消耗が激しいのでダウンロードしませんでした) 'Download' は「ダウンロードする」という意味です。ここでは、携帯のアプリのダウンロードについて言っています。 'Drain' は、「もの」がなくなりそうなことを表します。これは、携帯の電池やその時の気分などいろいろな「もの」について使われます。 例えば: "I feel drained today, I am so tired".(今日はすごく疲れた、ヘトヘトです)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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