You can wash your head much faster by shaving your head.
「髪を坊主にすることで入浴時の負担を軽くすること出来る」と言う時に take the burden off を使うのは不自然になります。この場合は下のように言うと自然です。
ーYou can wash your head much faster by shaving your head.
take the burden off を使う言い方は、下の例を参考にしてみてください。
I had been doing all the inventory at work for the last three years, but the new guy we hired said he was willing to take over this job. I was so glad he took that burden from/off me.
inventory で「棚卸し」
to take over で「引き継ぐ」
to take that burden from/off で「人の負担を軽くする」