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内容は理解できましたかと聞かれた時、 全て完璧ではない時。
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2016/07/27 09:44
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  • I'm not too confident

  • I'm not too sure

I'm not too confident=あまり自信ないんだけど I'm not too sure=確かではないんだけど ここでのポイントは「too」を入れる事です。これは「〜過ぎる」と言う意味です。「自信があり過ぎる、あり余ってるわけじゃないけど」と言ったニュアンスです。例: I'm not too confident I understood everything you just said, but it was an interesting story=あなたの言った全てを理解出来たか自信はないけど、とても面白い話だったよ。
  • I'm not 100% with it.

  • I don't quite get it/what this means....

  • I'm not sure on....

I'm not 100% with it - this phrase opens up the teacher for you to revise what it was you didn't understand. Your teacher should ask what was difficult and make all the clarifications you need. I don't quite get it/what this means.... - this is telling the teacher what you don't understand it can be a word or sentence. "I don't quite get what this means.... intricate?" I'm not sure on.... - this can be a word or a sentence. "I'm not sure on this sentence/this word in the 4th paragraph?" Your teacher will be more than happy to help with any clarifications you may need :))
 I'm not 100% with it.という例文について このフレーズを使えば、先生はあなたの理解していないところをもう一度教えてくれるでしょう。 先生は、どこが難しかったのか尋ねて、必要な説明をするはずです。   I don't quite get it/what this means.... という例文について このフレーズで、先生に対してあなたが理解していないことを伝えることができます。これに続く言葉は、単語や文であることがあります。 "I don't quite get what this means.... intricate?" 「'intricate'という言葉の意味がよく分かりません。」 I'm not sure on.... という例文について これも続く言葉は単語や文章です。 "I'm not sure on this sentence/this word in the 4th paragraph?" 「4段落目のこの文/単語の意味があいまいです。」 先生はあなたが必要な説明をすることで勉強のお手伝いができれば、何より嬉しいでしょう。
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • It's not a hundered percent clear.

  • I could understand it a bit better.

  • I didn't fully understand.

It's not a hundered percent clear. Hundred percent= when something is complete. Clear: Not feeling any doubt or confusion about something. Example: It is not clear whether she is coming or not. = I am confused about whether she is coming or not. "Not a hundred percent clear" = This shows that you don't completely understand everything that is in the material but you understand some or most of it. I could understand it a bit better. Could: Used to show a possibility (Which can also be used to show doubt about something) This means that there is still room to have a good understanding of the material even though you feel like you understand most of it.
"It's not a hundered percent clear."(100%クリアではない。) Hundred percent(100%)= 何かが完璧の時 Clear: 何かに関して、何の疑いもない、あるいは何も混乱することもない 例: "It is not clear whether she is coming or not."(彼女が来るのかどうかわからない。) = "I am confused about whether she is coming or not."(彼女が来るのかどうか混乱している。) "Not a hundred percent clear"(100%クリアではない。) = 資料に記載されていることを全て理解していないが、ある程度理解していることを表している。 "I could understand it a bit better."(もう少しよく理解できるかもしれない) Could: 能力を表現する(何か関する疑いを表すことにも使われる。) この場合、資料をだいたい理解しているが、資料をよりよく理解できる余地がまだあるという意味です。
Fay Fay DMM英会話講師
  • I am not yet confident.

  • I didn't understand fully.

*I am not yet confident. This means that you feel like you want to go through the exercise again because you didn't the first time. *I didn't understand fully. It means you didn't understand a 100 percent. You will be more confident if you practice a little bit more.
*I am not yet confident. これはあなたは初めてなのでその練習問題をもう一度やりたいということを意味しています。 *I didn't understand fully. これはあなたが100パーセント理解しているわけではないということを意味しています。 あなたはもう少し練習すればより自信を持てるでしょう。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • not confident

  • don't feel proficient

examples "i don't feel proficient enough to answer". or "i don't have the confidence to challenge that yet". or "i lack confidence when speaking another language".
例文 "I don't feel proficient enough to answer". 「回答するほど完ぺきではないと感じています。」 "I don't have the confidence to challenge that yet". 「まだそれに挑戦する勇気はありません。」 "I lack confidence when speaking another language" 「他の言語を話すときに自信がないです。」
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I'm not certain about it. I don't feel confident about it.

  • I am not completely sure about it.

  • I am a little uncertain about it. I have some doubts about it.

If you are certain or sure about something you have no doubts about it. Likewise, if you are confident about something you are sure about it. For example, "Do you understand what we were reading?" "I'm not certain about it. Can you explain what ____ means please?"
Ian Cameron DMM英会話講師
  • i am not completely confident

  • i am not 100% with that yet

saying " i am not completely confident "is a good way to describe this. but it can also be used to say that you are shy. saying" i am not 100% with that yet" will let your tutor know that you would like to try again or that you need something to be explained further.
Jackk DMM英会話講師
  • I can't say a hundred percent,

I can't say a hundred percent, 完全に(100%)ではありませんが という表現です。確かではないことを表現するのに使えます。
Reina Ueda さくらランゲージインスティテュート/代表 企業研修講師
  • I'm not too sure

  • I didn't completely understand

To say you are 'not too sure' means that you are not entirely certain in your understanding. To say that you didn't understand 'completely', is to explain that you understood some of what you have been taught, but that you did not understand all of it.
 'not too sure'とは、自分の理解が不確かだという意味です。didn't understand 'completely'とは、教えられたことの少しは理解できたけれど、全ては理解できなかったという意味です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
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