全寮制学校、または寄宿学校はboarding schoolと言います。boardingが寄宿や下宿生活を意味します。
海外のboarding schoolは、貴族やお金持ちのご子息ご令嬢が通っています。
I don't want to go to a boarding school.
Boarding school this is a noun.It refers to a school which provides accommodation(place to stay) and meals for the pupils during term time.
For example: "I learn at a boarding school."
I learn at a boarding school.
>Boarding School
*A boarding school is a pre-university level school where most or all of the students take up residence when school is in session. The word ”boarding” is used in the sense of "room and board," i.e., lodging and meals. Boarding schools are also known as University or College Preparatory Schools, aka “Prep Schools.” Some boarding schools also have day students who attend the institution by day and return to their families in the evenings.
Boarding School
「A boarding school 」とはほとんどすべての学生が住み込みこんでいる大学進学のための学校です。
「boarding」という言葉は、「room and board(部屋と食卓)」、すなわち宿泊と食事という意味で使われます。
全寮制の学校は大学進学のための学校として知られています。別名を「Prep Schools」と言います。
One type of traditional school in the UK is the boarding school. Such a school would usually also be a 'public school.' It may appear strange, but in the UK, a 'public school' is a private school where the parents of children attending have to pay for the tuition and boarding fees. Most state schools in the UK are free to attend - but not boarding schools.
"James attends a boarding school in Manchester."
イギリスで古くからある学校のひとつが全寮制の学校です。大体はpublic schoolである場合も多いです。すごくおかしく聞こえると思いますが、UKではpublic schoolは、私立のように寮費や学費を両親が払わなければいけない学校です。州立の学校は無料ですが、大体は寮制ではありません。
例:"James attends a boarding school in Manchester."
A boarding school is a school where pupils stay and live there during term time and only sometimes return home on weekends/during holidays the term 'boarding' comes from the words 'room/board' meaning to have your room and to stay there
When referring to regular school, such as middle or high schools, in which the students live on campus, we call this place a 'boarding school'. This is because we use the word 'board' when talking about someone receiving meals while living at a place.
Also, the rooms in which students reside are calls 'dormitories' or 'dorms' for short. You will also have dorms at some colleges and universities.