世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/03 07:59
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  • I want to grow old with you. When we are 80, I want to hold hands wherever we go.

一緒に年をとりたい。80歳になってもどこいっても手をつないで歩きたい。 言い方も大事ですが、やり方も大事。 アメリカでは場所を考えてやります。
  • You are the best thing that ever happened in my life.

  • Let's dance together at our wedding.

  • You are the only one I want to share the rest of my life with.

「君が(と出会えたことが)これまでの人生で起こった一番の出来事」 「僕たちの結婚式で一緒にダンスを踊ろう」 「残りの人生を過ごしたいのは君だけだ」 あくまで個人の好みですが、私はなんか物足りない。上記の3つを言ってもらった後に、やっぱりオーソドックスに (Name), will you marry me? 「(名前)結婚してください」 と言われたいです。
DMM Eikaiwa バイリンガルチーム
  • I was blind before I met you.

  • You make me want to be a better person.

  • Every beat of my heart is a beat for you.

Romantic ways of wooing.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • You complete me. Will you Be my wife/husband?

  • My life is meaningless without you. Let's get married.

  • You're the only one for me.

1. You Complete me - this means that you feel inefficient and that you were made to be together in order to create a perfect whole. 2. meaningless - this means that I don't have purpose in my life without you. 3. The only one for me - this means that there. Are many other people in the world but you only want that one specific person out of all of those people.
1. You Complete me. -「あなたがいないと何もできない、あなたがいて初めて私は完成する」という意味です。 2. meaningless -「あなたがいないなら生きる意味はない」という意味です。 3. The only one for me -「地球上にはたくさんの人がいるけど私にはあなたしかいない」という意味です。
Roscoe DMM英会話講師
  • Yours is the hand I want to hold forever. Marry me!

  • I choose you. I will always choose you. Marry me!

Marriage is about companionship. Telling your love "Yours is the hand I want to hold forever." lets them know that you're willing to stand by them through good and bad times. Everyone wants to know they're the most important person in their lover's life, so let them know that you only have eyes for them by saying: "I choose you. I will always choose you. Marry me!"
Marriage is about companionship. 結婚というのは仲間としての付き合いや一緒に過ごしていくことだ。 "Yours is the hand I want to hold forever." 一生手をつないでいたいという表現は、いい時も悪い時もずっとそばにいたいという意味。 だれでも、自分がその人にとって大切な人だと知りたいものです。 君しか見えないと伝えるために: "I choose you. I will always choose you. Marry me!" 君を選ぶよ。僕はいつだって君を選ぶ。結婚してほしい。
Faith DMM英会話講師
  • I love you so much and hope you feel the same! Please marry me!

  • We can't go on like this. Being apart from you hurts too much! Please marry me!

  • Shall we get married? Being single is killing me!

This is such an individual thing! Is there a right or wrong phrase for any couple? These are just suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A) I Love you. I never wish to be parted from you, from this day on. Be mine.

  • B)You bring out the best in me. Give me chance to be the luckiest man alive.

  • C)Love is patient, love is kind, and you are my precious find.

Hello Kei :-) I hope this helps! Here are a few examples of what i think is the most romantic phrases i hope you like them too :-)
Keiさん、こんにちは、参考になるといいです! 私がロマンチックだなと思うフレーズをいくつか挙げておきました。 気に入っていただけるとうれしいです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Life offers many challenges. I know I can meet them if you're willing to face them with me.

  • When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands.

Here are a few : My heart was a desert until you came and watered it with you love. Let's spend the rest of our lives together pulling the weeds and enjoying the blossoms. You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?" Let's make a plan. Ten years from tonight, we'll tell our children the story of how I proposed to you. I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it.
こんな言い方ができます。 My heart was a desert until you came and watered it with you love. Let's spend the rest of our lives together pulling the weeds and enjoying the blossoms.僕の心は君が僕の人生に現れるまでは砂漠のようだった。そして、君が僕の心を潤してくれたんだ。 You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?"君は最高に値するんだ、どんなときも肝を支えてくれる人、限界なく成長させてくれる人、永遠に君を愛してくれる人、そんな人が君にふさわしい。僕がその誰かになってもいいかい? Let's make a plan. Ten years from tonight, we'll tell our children the story of how I proposed to you.ちょっと計画しよう。今夜から10年後僕たちは子供たちにどんなふうに君にプロポーズしたかを話しているだろうってね。 I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it.僕の隣に君がいないなら僕の人生は完成しないってわかってるんだ。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I have found the love of my life, and you are the one. Please marry me without any further delay.

  • My life has changed for the better since I first met you. I don't want to lose you. Let us get married ASAP.

  • You are the sunshine of my life honey. Will you please marry me?

To make a meaningful proposal, you have to sound genuinely in love with the other person. Of course, this must have been evident all along and not just now when you are making the proposal. So, if you say you have found the love of your life, it must come from deep down your heart. If your life has changed for the better since the day you first met him/her, you must be a very happy person. Without him/her, there can be no sunshine. So, you may say: I have found the love of my life, and you are the one. Please marry me without any further delay. or My life has changed for the better since I first met you. I don't want to lose you. Let us get married ASAP. or You are the sunshine of my life honey. Will you please marry me?
プロポーズを成功させるには、誠心誠意相手を愛していることを伝えなければいけません。 プロポーズをするにあたっては当たり前のことですね。 心から「人生の中で最も愛する人に出会った」という事が大切ですね。 彼/彼女に出会ったことで人生が変わったのであれば、あなたはとても幸せですね。その相手がいないと、「太陽の光」があたらないということですね。 I have found the love of my life, and you are the one. Please marry me without any further delay.(人生の中で最も愛する人に出会いました。それは、あなたの事です。これより遅くなる前に、結婚してくれますか?) My life has changed for the better since I first met you. I don't want to lose you. Let us get married ASAP.(あなたと初めて出会って以来私の人生はとてもいいものになりました。あなたを失いたくないです。とにかく今すぐにでも、結婚しましょう。)ASAP= as soon as possible =今すに You are the sunshine of my life honey. Will you please marry me?(あなたは私の太陽の光です。結婚してくれませんか?)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
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