世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/29 22:05
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  • I have someone I want to marry, but we haven't got to going out because of circumstances.

士林翻訳サービスの翻訳者として、意味を捉えようと英訳してみました。 someone I want to marry = 結婚したい誰か、結婚したい人 haven't got to going out = デートする(go out)ところまで言ってない because of circumstances = 状況が理由で、事情があって
Shihpin Lin 士林翻訳サービス 主任翻訳者
  • There's someone I want to marry, but because some things happened I haven't asked her/him out yet.

  • I have someone I want to marry, but we couldn't date because of circumstances.

There's someone I want to marry, but because some things happened I haven't asked her/him out yet. (結婚したい相手がいますが、いろいろあって彼・彼女にまだ告白してません)のような意味です。前向きに事情があったとしてもお互い落ち着いたら告白して付き合うことになる意味合いを含まれています。 一方、I have someone I want to marry, but we couldn't date because of circumstancesはお互い好きですが、自分か相手がすでに恋人とかいるのような事情で付き合うことまだはできませんでした。将来に自分か相手が今の持ってる恋人を別けれていたら、付き合うことと結婚まで進捗がありと言うような意味になります。
Stevens DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • I have someone I want to marry, but due to a lot of things we are not dating yet.

  • There is someone I want to many, but due to various circumstances we are not dating yet

英語で「いろいろあって何かができてない、またはなっていない」と言いたい時、「Due to various circumstances]または「Due to a lot of things]との表現ができます。 「例文1」 I had to finish my work yesterday, but due to a lot of things I am not done yet. 昨日仕事を終わらせなければならなかったが、いろいろあってまだ終わっていないです。 「例文2」 I was invited to a birthday party, but due to various circumstances I could not go. 誕生日会に誘われたが、いろいろあっていけなくなりました。
  • There are few people in mind but we're not even close to going out.

There are few people in mind but we're not even close to going out. ●There are few people in mind = 結婚したい相手はいるんだけど・・・(考えている人はいるんだけど〜in mind) + ●we're not even close to going out. =まだ付き合うところまで行ってない HAVE IN MIND 計画がある、~しようと考えている ●have 〜in mind To have something or somebody in mind is to be thinking about them for a particular purpose. have ~ in mind は、ある目的のために、~しようと考えている、つまり、何か(だれか)のことを考えている、という意味です。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • There is someone I want to marry, but due to many reasons we haven't gone as far as dating. (直訳)

  • There is someone I want to marry, but due to circumstances we haven't started dating.

  • There is someone I want to marry, but due to this and that we haven't dated.

Other translations (他の翻訳): I want to get married to someone but due to circumstances we haven't got as far as dating. I want to get married to him/her but for one reason or another we have not started dating. 相手がいる:There is someone 結婚したい:I want to marry けど:but いろいろあって:many reasons, circumstances, this and that あいまいな説明です。秘密があるか両親の許可をもらわないか。 due to:状況の理由を説明すると、必要な接続の表現です。 付き合う:go steady with, to date まで:up until, as far as いってない[⇒いく:辞書形]:to go, move, to reach, proceed to
  • There's someone I want to get married to, but due to certain reasons, we're not even dating yet.

  • There's someone I want to get married to, but it's complicated.

これは直訳しますと、There's someone I want to get married to, but due to certain reasons, we're not even dating yet. になりますが、これはちょっと長くて、英語のネイティブはあまりそんな A から Z までは言わないです。 一番ナチュラルな言い方は There's someone I want to get married to, but it's complicated になります。It's complicated は日本語の「色々あって」に相当します。 ご参考になれば幸いです。
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