The United Nations Security Council veto power may make the council ineffective, therefore it should be abolished.
The United Nations Security Council veto power may make the council ineffective, therefore it should be abolished. とも言えるでしょう。
Because China and Russia disagreed to intervene on human rights violations in Myanmar, the United Nations Security Council gave up on it. About the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation, it was rejected because the United States disagreed with it. Many people need help, but no one can do anything about it. We should change that. とすることで、簡潔に『ミャンマーの人権弾圧への介入は中露が反対するため断念、イスラエルによるパレスチナ入植への非難決議はアメリカの反対で否決。こんなに助けを必要としている人がいるのに世界が何も出来ない状況を何とかすべきだ』は伝えられます。
"Permanent members of the UN Security Councils' right to veto should be abolished as it renders the council ineffective."
- "Permanent members of the UN Security Councils' right to veto should be abolished as it renders the council ineffective."
"Permanent members of the UN Security Council" 「常任理事国」
”right to veto” 「拒否権」
"should be abolished" 「廃止すべき」"must be abolished" も使えます。
"renders 〇〇 ineffective" 「〇〇を形骸化させる」