It took me a year to watch all the episodes of Friends.
I spent a whole year watching all the Friends' episodes.
ーIt took me a year to watch all the episodes of Friends.
to take a year で「1年かかる」
to watch all the episodes of Friends で「フレンズを全話見る」
ーI spent a whole year watching all the Friends' episodes.
to spent a whole year で「丸1年費やす」
to watch all the Friends' episodes で「フレンズを全話見る」
Season 「シーズン」
to watch every season of Friends「フレンズの全シーズンを見る」
all the episodes「全話(この場合は全シーズンの全部の話)」
a whole episode「1話全部(1つのエピソードの最初から最後まで)」
one episode「1話・1エピソード」
Episode 1「第1話」