世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/07/31 15:25
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  • It is of no use If you only know vocabulary and grammar and don't know how to use them.

It is of no use で「役に立たない、意味がない」という意味です。 only know vocabulary and grammar で、「語彙と文法を知っているだけ」となります。 この場合のonlyは、knowという動詞を修飾しています。 つまり「知っている」だけ、ということですね。 know only vocabulary and grammar とすると「語彙と文法しかしらない(だけ知っている)」となり、意味が変わってきます。 副詞の位置には気をつけましょう。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • No matter how many English words you know, it's meaningless if you can't use them.

No matter how many English words you know, it's meaningless if you can't use them. 「いくら英単語を知っていても、それを使えないのでは、意味がない」 の意味です(*^-^*) no matter how many「いくら~でも」 類例に、No matter what you do「あなたが何をしようが」などがあります(^^♪ meaningless「無意味」 ご参考になれば幸いです(*^-^*)
  • Learning English is more than just know grammar and vocabulary. It's actually using the language.

  • You need to know more about English than just the grammar and vocabulary. You need to know how to put them together the right way.

  • You need to know how to put the words together and use them not just know the grammar and vocabulary.

Learning English is more than just know grammar and vocabulary. It's actually using the language. You need to know more about English than just the grammar and vocabulary. You need to know how to put them together the right way. You need to know how to put the words together and use them not just know the grammar and vocabulary. It's important when learning English to use the language not just learn words and grammar. Words and grammar aren't much use in learning English if you don't actually practice speaking it.
Learning English is more than just know grammar and vocabulary. It's actually using the language. (英語を学ぶときというのは単に文法や言葉を覚えるだけでは駄目で、それを使うことが大切です) You need to know more about English than just the grammar and vocabulary. You need to know how to put them together the right way. (単に英語の文法や言葉を覚えるだけでは駄目です、その使い方を学ばないと) You need to know how to put the words together and use them not just know the grammar and vocabulary. (単に文法や言葉を覚えるのではなく、英語の使い方を学ばないと駄目です) It's important when learning English to use the language not just learn words and grammar. (英語を学ぶときには単に言葉や文法を覚えるのではなく、使い方を学ぶことが大切です) Words and grammar aren't much use in learning English if you don't actually practice speaking it. (英語を話す練習をしないと、ボキャブラリーや文法を生かすことはできない)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • It doesn't really matter how many words or grammatical structures you know if you cannot really use those in real life situations.

  • It doesn't really matter how many words or grammatical structures you know if you cannot really use those in real life.

noriさん ご質問どうもありがとうございます。 様々な表現があると思いますが、いくつ自然な表現を紹介します。 - It doesn't really matter how many words or grammatical structures you know if you cannot really use those in real life situations. - It doesn't really matter how many words or grammatical structures you know if you cannot really apply those in real life. --- doesn't matter = 意味ない、関係ない --- grammatical structures = 文法の構造、文法のパタン --- real life = リアル --- real life situation = リアルの実際の場面 --- apply something = ~応用する お好みに合わせて使い分けてみてください。 ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • Even if you know many English vocabulary and Grammars, it is meaningless if you cannot use them

"Even if you know many English vocabulary and Grammars, it is meaningless if you cannot use them" When using 'even if you know', this is a casual expression and used frequently, stating that the individual(s) knows something but they could still be wrong/unable to use their knowledge. 'meaningless' is the term given when something has no sense.
"Even if you know many English vocabulary and Grammars, it is meaningless if you cannot use them" (たとえたくさんの英単語や文法を知っていてもそれを使いこなせなければ意味はない) 'even if you know' はよく使われるカジュアルな表現です。これは「たとえ知っていたとしても(その知識を使えない/間違っているかもしれない)」という意味です。 'meaningless' は「意味がない」という意味です。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Regardless of your knowledge of grammar and vocab, it is irrelevent if you can't apply it

  • A knowledge of grammar and vocab is worthless if you don't know how to use it

No matter how much English vocabulary and grammar you know, it seems to be meaningless if you can't use it. If you would like to explain that point, you can choose one of the above example statements
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • If you don't know how to use your grammar and vocabulary correctly it defeats the whole purpose of speaking English.

  • Not using English grammar and vocabulary correctly ruins the whole experience of speaking English.

  • It doesn't matter how much vocabulary and grammar you have in your pocket, if you don't know the correct use of them it is redundant.

English is a simple language yet it is quite complex when it comes to certain rules that must be applied and knowing when to apply them. If we have the incorrect grammar and vocabulary usage then we are not using the language correctly and we won't be well understood because we might not be able to get the correct message across. In order to make sound sentences, the right sequence of words should be used in a sentence. Some words in the English language have the same spelling but mean different things yet some words look different but mean the same. We need to be mindful of such traits of the English language in order to not be confused. Sound: sensemaking, correct Sequence: pattern
英語はシンプルな言語ですが、文法に関してはかなり複雑な部分もあります。 文法や言葉の使い方が間違っていると、意味が正しく伝わらず、なかなか理解してもらえません。 正しい文を作るのは正しい語順です。 英語にはスペルが同じで意味の異なる語もあれば、意味は同じでスペルの異なる語もあります。 そのような特徴を頭に入れておくことが、英語を理解する上で重要になります。 Sound: 意味の通る、正しい Sequence: パターン
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • No matter how great your English vocabulary and grammar is; it's meaningless if you can't use them.

  • Having good English vocabulary and grammar is meaningless if you cannot use them

When you want to explain that no matter how much English grammar and vocabulary one may know, it is meaningless if you cannot use them; then you may say this in the following ways: -No matter how great your English vocabulary and grammar is, it's meaningless if you can't use them. -Having good English vocabulary and grammar is meaningless if you cannot use them
「いくら英語の単語や文法を知っていても使えなくては意味がない」は次のように言えます。 -No matter how great your English vocabulary and grammar is; it's meaningless if you can't use them. (いくら英語の単語や文法を知っていても使えなくては意味がない) -Having good English vocabulary and grammar is meaningless if you cannot use them (いくら英語の単語や文法を知っていても使えなくては意味がない)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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