I want a washer and dryer set when the rainy season comes, but I periodically need to go through intra-company transfers, and some places owned by my company are not big enough to have large home appliances, so I can’t buy them.
I want a washer and dryer set when the rainy season comes, but I periodically need to go through intra-company transfers, and some places owned by my company are not big enough to have large home appliances, so I can’t buy them. と言えます。
intra-company transfers で、『企業内転勤』という意味になりますが、シンプルに、I move often for my work. としても伝わります。
また、社宅は、 a house owned by company 『一軒家の社宅』、an apartment owned by company 『アパートの社宅』とも表現できます。
『乾燥機付洗濯機』は、いくつか言い方がありますが、Homedepot などでは、2段に積み上げる(下が洗濯、上が乾燥などの)ものを、Stackable washer and dryer 、一つで洗濯と乾燥ができるものを、Washer and dryer combo としています。