Recently, teacher A's style of teaching has been a bit uninteresting.
I had a favorite teacher. They always taught enthusiastically, but recently teacher A's style of teaching has been a bit uninteresting.
「最近、○○先生の教え方が適当になっている」は英訳すれば、「Recently, teacher A's style of teaching has been a bit uninteresting.」になります。「A's」の代わりに先生の名前に入れます。
「お気に入りの先生がいました。いつも熱心に教えてくれていたのに、最近、気もそぞろで、教え方が適当になっていると感じます。」も翻訳すれば「I had a favorite teacher. They always taught enthusiastically, but recently the teacher's style of teaching has been a bit uninteresting.」になります。