It can be understood in a different way from what I wanted to convey.
「自分が言いたかったことと違う意味で捉えられる」は英訳すれば、「It can be understood in a different way from what I wanted to convey.」になります。
まず「It can be understood in a different way」は「違う意味で捉えられる」を表します。
そして、「from what I wanted to convey.」は「自分が伝えたかったことと」という意味です。
- They take what I say the wrong way.
- They misunderstand what I wanted to say.
- They misunderstand what I am trying to say.
- When I am speaking English, I am not able to properly convey what I want to say so the person I am talking to takes it the wrong way which causes misunderstandings.