世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




運転すると性格が変化します 怖すぎ
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2016/08/03 20:14
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  • She becomes a different person behind the wheel.

人が変わる、つまり「別人になる」ということなので、become a different personです。 ハンドルを握ると別人になる、という例文です。 wheelは自動車のハンドルのこと。 handleとは言わないので要注意。 behind the wheelで「ハンドルを握っている」「車の運転をしている」状態を表します。 慣用表現としてよく使うので、覚えておくと便利ですよ。
Yumi 発音コーチ、英語コンサルタント
  • She is a completely different person when she drives.

こんにちは。 ・She is a completely different person when she drives. 「彼女は運転するとき別人になる」 上記のように言うこともできます。 completely は「完全に」なので「別人」「人が変わる」感じが表現できると思います。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • She's a real Jekyll and Hyde when it comes to driving!

The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde' is a gothic novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. The novella's impact is such that it has become a part of the language, with the very phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" coming to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from one situation to the next. thee days it just means that someone may be quite changeable.
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde'はスコットランド人の著者Robert Louis Stevensonによるゴシック様式の物語で、1886年に初めて発行されました。 この物語は言語の一つになるほどの衝撃を与え、まさにこのフレーズ"Jekyll and Hyde"は、状況によって性格が広く変わることをを意味するようになりました。 最近では、ただかなり変わりやすい人を意味するようになりました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • She is like a different person behind the wheel.

  • She turns into a different person when she drives.

She is like a different person behind the wheel. 彼女、運転すると別人みたい。 be like :〜のよう different person:別人 behind the wheel:運転すると She turns into a different person when she drives. 彼女、運転する時はいつも人が変わるの。 turn into:〜に変わる、別のものになる when she drives:運転する時 whenの後ろの主語&動詞を入れ替えていろんな場面で応用できますね。 参考になれば幸いです。
Rina The Discovery Lounge主催
  • She is a totally different person when she is driving.

  • She change into different person when she is behind the wheels.

You can use the following sentences to express yourself: 1.She is a totally different person when she is driving. 2.She change into different person when she is behind the wheel. - Behind the wheel means driving.
これらの文を使うことができます。 1.She is a totally different person when she is driving. 運転しているときは別人になる。 2.She change into different person when she is behind the wheel.- Behind the wheel は運転する、という意味。 彼女は運転しているときは別の人になる。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • She is like a different person when she is driving.

  • She is not her usual self when she drives.

  • Behind the wheel, she is like somebody else.

▢ She is not her usual self when she drives. ▢ Behind the wheel, she is like somebody else. "Behind the wheel" is an expression that means you are driving or in control of some kind of a vehicle, usually a car. You are behind the steering wheel (ハンドル). "To be like somebody else" means to not be your usual self (普通の自身).
▢ She is not her usual self when she drives. ▢ Behind the wheel, she is like somebody else. "Behind the wheel"これは運転している、操縦しているという意味の熟語で、一般的には車に使われることが多いです。 "To be like somebody else" これは本来の自分ではない、という意味です。.
  • Jekyll and Hyde ...

  • Lovely outside of a car and yet its jekyll and Hyde when she gets behind the wheel!

Driving a car can really bring out the worst in some people...they seem to suddenly display dual personality traits... Much like in the famous Novel "Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" So much so that this literary reference is now imbedded in the English language!
車の運転は、人によっては良くない部分を引き出してしまうことがあります。突然、その人の二面性が現れるようです。 有名な小説、ジキルとハイドのようですね。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • She is a totally different person behind the wheel of a car.

  • When she is driving a car she turns into a different character.

  • Her character changes when she is driving.

If a person is not relaxed and confident when driving a car then their personality and character can change. They can become aggressive, controlling or even of a nervous disposition. We can comment on these changes by saying: - She is a totally different person behind the wheel of a car. - When she is driving a car, her character changes.
Gayle S DMM英会話講師
  • When she is driving she turns into a different person.

This sentence means that when someone gets behind the wheel of a car, their personality changes, for example: someone who is usually really calm and relaxed, may become more uptight or easily agitated when they are driving.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • Heebie-jeebies

  • Maniac

The heebie-jeebies is a feeling of anxiety, nervousness, or fright. You can use it to describe a person that changes in a negative way when they get behind the wheel of a car. "She really gives me the heebie-jeebies when she drives!" A maniac is a person who shows wild or violent behaviour & could be considered insane. You can use it to describe someones driving skill as being really bad. "She's an absolute maniac when she gets behind the wheel! I hate being in the car with her!"
Jacques DMM英会話講師
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