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2019/03/03 18:57
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  • driver

「運転する」がdriveで、「運転する人」つまり「運転手」はdriverです。 どちらもカタカナでドライブ、ドライバーと言いますね。 bus driver「バスの運転手」 taxi driver「タクシーの運転手」 He is a bus driver. 「彼はバスの運転手です」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • driver

こんにちは。 運転手は「driver」といいます。 ・タクシー運転手:taxi driver ・電車の運転手:train driver/train operator ・トラック運転手:truck driver 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Bus driver

  • Truck driver

  • Taxi driver

A driver is a person that drives a vehicle like a truck, taxi, or a bus. A person that drives a car can be called a driver or a motorist. My uncle is a bus driver! My friend is a truck driver! When i was a child, I wanted to be a taxi driver!
"driver" はトラック・タクシー・バスなどの乗り物を運転する人をいいます。 車を運転する人は "driver" または "motorist" と呼ばれます。 My uncle is a bus driver!(私の叔父はバスの運転手をしています) My friend is a truck driver!(私の友達はトラック運転手をしています) When I was a child, I wanted to be a taxi driver!(私は子どもの頃タクシー運転手になりたかったです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • driver

driver =運転手 drive運転するという単語に-or, -er 人や物という名詞になる役割の接尾辞 がついて 運転する人=運転手という意味になります。 他この接尾語がつく単語には advertiser=広告主 announcer=アナウンサー author=作家 influencer=影響を与える人/インフルエンサー なども単語もあります。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです。
Shiori S 英語講師
  • Driver

  • Bus driver

  • Taxi driver

"Driver" is the term used for someone who drives a mode of transport, often for others like public transport such as taxis,buses,trains etc. a driver can also be used to describe a racing car driver, someone who competes in racing cars. Bus driver = someone who drives a bus. Taxi driver = someone who drives a taxi Train driver = someone who drives a train
"Driver" は乗り物を運転する人をいいます。これはしばしば、他人のために運転をする人、例えばタクシー運転手、バスの運転手、電車の運転手などを指します。 また、"Driver" はレーシングカーの運転手を指すこともあります。 Bus driver = バスの運転手 Taxi driver = タクシー運転手 Train driver = 電車の運転手
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • chauffeur

  • operator

  • motorist

If you are riding in a very fancy taxi the person that is driving you will be called a 'chauffeur.' If the person is driving a vehicle for work such as a bus, coach or lorry they can be called an 'operator.' If the person is driving any automobile on the road they can be called a 'motorist.' A motorist is anyone who is driving on the main road.
高級タクシーの運転手は 'chauffeur' と呼ばれます。 バス・大型トラックなどの職業運転手は 'operator' と呼ばれることがあります。 自動車の運転手は 'motorist' と言えます。 'motorist' は自動車を運転するあらゆる人を指します。
Kayleb DMM英会話講師
  • The taxi driver was speeding through the city streets

  • The chauffeur asked for a tip at the end of the ride

A person who drives a vehicle like a bus or taxi is commonly known as 'a driver'. A chauffeur is usually a driver of a more luxurious car such as a limousine, or a more expensive private car for one person.
バスやタクシーなどの乗り物を運転する人のことを'a driver'と言います。 A chauffeur は、たいていリムジンやもっと高級なプライベートの乗り物を運転する人のことを指します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Taxi driver

  • Bus driver

  • Truck driver

Driver refers to anyone that drives a vehicle or form of transportation. You add the type of vehicle or transport to be more specific. Example: "I work as a bus driver".
"Driver" は車を運転する全ての人を指します。 より具体的に言うなら、乗り物の種類を加えます。 例: "I work as a bus driver"(私はバスの運転手をしています)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
  • Bus driver.

  • Taxi driver

  • Driver

Someone who drives a vehicle is simple called a 'Driver'. If you want to be more specific you can say the vehicle that they are driving too. Examples: Truck driver, Lorry driver, Bus driver, Train driver
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • Driver

  • Motorist

Most of us know how to drive. We are called drivers. There are different types of drivers: Taxi drivers, bus drivers, truck drivers. These are known as professions. It is the work they do. We can also call a driver a "motorist". A motorist is a person who uses any type of automobile. "Be careful of that driver when you cross the road! That driver is coming really fast!" "Motorists need to be 100% focused on what is going on in front of them on the road"
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • Driver

運転 - driving 運転手 - driver 運転手はdriverといいます。 タクシーの運転手 - taxi driver バスの運転手 - bus driver 電車の運転手 - train driver 大きくなったらバスの運転手になりたい When I’m older, I want to be a bus driver 5年間ずっと電車の運転手の仕事したけど仕事中一回寝てクビになった I was a train driver for 5 years but I fell asleep one time and was then fired
  • driver

  • bus driver

  • taxi driver

A person who drives for a job is simply know as a 'driver' you can add words at the beginning to explain what they drive so would say 'bus driver' or 'taxi driver' this describes what they drive for a job
車を運転する仕事をしている人は、シンプルに 'driver' と呼ばれます。 'driver' の前に言葉を付け加えて、何の運転手なのか説明することもできます。 例えば、'bus driver'(バスの運転手)または 'taxi driver'(電車の運転手)。これは、仕事で何を運転しているのかを説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I'm a driver.

  • I'm a chauffeur.

The two nouns you see in the two sentences above are the nouns we would use to describe someone who drives as a profession. Normally we add an adjective to give more details. For example we would say taxi driver, truck driver, bus driver, or school bus driver. This gives us a clearer idea of what kind of driver a particular person is. The word chauffeur is used to describe someone who is hired by someone personally to drive them.
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Her brother is a taxi driver.

  • This is a very careful bus driver.

  • Minibus drivers stop their minibuses anywhere along the road if passengers want to disembark.

Every metered taxi driver must be licenced to drive passenger vehicles that can accommodate five people including the driver. In South Africa, you must hold a Code B driver's licence. Code B driver's licence also applies to minibus, bus and goods vehicle drivers. Drivers holding Code B licences are licenced to drive vehicles with a gross vehicle mass not exceeding 3,500 kg. In addition, you must be over 18 years old. Drivers of minibuses, buses, and goods vehicles with a gross mass between 3,500 kg and 16,000 kg need to hold a Code C1driver's licence. So, you may say: Her brother is a taxi driver. or This is a very careful bus driver. or Minibus drivers stop their minibuses anywhere along the road if passengers want to disembark.
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Driver

「運転手」が英語で「driver」と言います。 例文: 彼はバスの運転手だ ー He is a bus driver. 私の夫は良い運転手です ー My husband is a good driver. 警官が運転手に警告を与えた ー The policeman cautioned the driver その運転手は信号を無視した ー The driver ignored the traffic light. タクシーの運転手にチップをあげた ー I tipped the taxi driver. 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • Driver

  • Taxi driver

  • Bus driver

Driver Taxi driver Bus driver We call, in English, the person who drives a vehicle a driver, if they drive a car, bus driver if they drive a bus. And, a taxi driver if they drive a taxi. I am sure you can see a pattern here. So. A question. What do you call someone who drives a train? I hope that helps Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • Driver

A, "Driver," is the most common word that would be used to describe someone who drives a car for a living. Afterwards we can add adjective modifiers to describe what type of driver they are. Examples : - Bus driver - Taxi driver - Truck driver One specific driver and only drives one client for a longer period of time can be called a, "chauffeur," which is from French origin but can still be used in English.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • A bus driver.

  • A taxi driver.

A bus driver - A person who drives a bus is called a bus driver. A taxi driver:- A person who drives a taxi is called a taxi driver. Here are some exapmle sentences:- Jonh " Peter what would you like to be when you grow up?" Peter "When I grow up I want to become a bus driver, because I like to transport people to their destnations safely." Lisa "Can you see the taxi driver?" Paul "I can't see him, but he should be here shortly."
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Bus driver

  • Taxi driver

  • Driver

When someone is driving a moving vehicle for a profession or just leisurely, they are called a driver. There are many different jobs for being a driver such as: bus driver, taxi driver, personal driver. - My dads job is being a bus driver.
Lucy G DMM英会話講師
  • Bus driver.

  • Taxi driver.

A "bus driver" describes someone who drives a bus as a job. There are different types of bus drivers for example: school bus driver, public bus driver, tour bus driver, etc. A taxi driver is someone who drives a smaller vehicle, taxis cars are generally sedans.
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • driver

「運転手」は英語で driver と言います。 drive は「運転する」という意味の動詞になります。 例: I asked the driver to slow down. 運転手に速度を少し落とすようにお願いしました。 日本語でも「ドライバー」と言うことがありますね。 みなさんのお役に立てれば嬉しいです!
  • driver

「運転手」はdriverと言います(*^_^*) ◆ 他に職業名をいくつか挙げますね♪ 「弁護士」lawyer 「行政書士」administrative scrivener 「司法書士」judicial scrivener 「看護師」nurse 「医者」doctor 「教師」teacher 「システムエンジニア」systems engineer 「建築家」architect 「売春婦」prostitute 「ウェイター」waiter 「ウェイトレス」waitress 「俳優」actor 「キャビンアテンダント」flight attendant/cabin attendant 「アナウンサー」news caster 「芸人」comedian 「AV女優」porn star 「映画監督」movie director 「検察官」prosecutor 「占い師」fortune teller 「牧師」pastor 「モデル」model 「パイロット」pilot 「薬剤師」pharmacist 「美容師」hairdresser 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(^_^)
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