"I didn't know where to start watching, so I never did."
"I couldn't decide where to start, so I never got around to it."
- "I didn't know where to start watching, so I never did."
"I didn't know where to start watching" 「どこから見始めるか分からなかった」
"so I never did" 「始めなかった」・「しなかった」
- "I couldn't decide where to start, so I never got around to it."
"I couldn't decide~" 「〜を決められなかった」
"where to start" 「どこから始める」・「どこ絡み始める」
"so I never got around to it." 「見ようと思っても手に取れなかった」・「見ようと思っても手に取れなかった」